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December 7, 2016

sales reps 10 good reasons to switch to Mobile Sales Enablement

By François Dumont

In , , ,

A company's sales policy, and therefore the ability of its sales reps to convert prospecting appointments, are major factors on which the company's economic growth depends. [...]

April 21, 2016

How to make an effective digital sales book?

By Frédéric Poulet

In , ,

A real sales aid for your sales reps, the sales book is the salesperson's bible. Formerly made up of paper sheets contained in a binder, the sales [...]

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 10300
    [post_author] => 8
    [post_date] => 2016-04-21 10:03:21
    [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-21 08:03:21
    [post_content] => 

A real sales aid for your sales reps, the sales book is the salesperson's bible. Formerly made up of paper sheets contained in a binder, the sales book is going digital! Salespeople can now present their products in a more fluid way, create and distribute personalized content that's updated in real time, and train themselves continuously... SalesApps explains the uses, advantages and production of an effective digital sales book.


  1. What is a digital sales book?
    1. Definition
  2. What is the purpose of a digital sales book?
    1. Content creation and distribution
    2. Real-time content updates
    3. Fluidity of exchanges with customers
  3. Advantages of the digital sales book vs. paper
    1. An inclusive exchange
    2. Immediate responses
    3. Personalized content
    4. An offer that can be modified online
    5. Ongoing interactive training
  4. How to make an effective Digital Sales Book?
    1. The different types of commercial book
      1. Products
      2. Services
      3. Consultants
    2. What to put in your sales book?
      1. The product catalog
      2. Commercial characteristics
      3. Product / service pitches
      4. Presentation of the company
      5. Interactive content
      6. Solution selling
    3. One part dedicated to customers, the other to sales reps
  5. Conclusion: what to remember

What is a digital sales book?

Definition: The sales book is a sales presentation tool. It helps sales reps with their sales pitch.

Today, the digital transformation also involves the sales force, with new tactile uses that often involve a touchscreen tablet.

The latter represents the ideal toolbox for better selling, training, communicating with the marketing department, while storing data and sales materials.


What is the purpose of a digital sales book?


Content creation and distribution

A sales support and presentation tool, the digital sales book lets you personalize content and distribute it in a fun way to prospects and customers. Your sales team can access all sales and marketing information quickly and easily.


Real-time content updates

The digital sales book allows for easier communication between your sales and marketing teams.

Vos commerciaux et votre service marketing utilisent le même outil de communication, et peuvent ainsi collaborer en temps réel. Les présentations préparées par l’équipe marketing sont en ligne immédiatement, et toute modification est communiquée en temps réel. De plus, les présentations restent personnalisables, via de puissants outils d'édition, par le commercial qui le souhaite. Le book de vente digital est donc véritable support de diffusion de l'information et de création de contenus.


Fluidity of exchanges with customers

With a touch-sensitive tablet as a presentation aid, the salesperson is no longer facing the customer, but standing next to him. The fluidity of tactile movements considerably enlivens the exchange, and makes it interactive and participative, as the customer can take the tablet in hand if he wishes. The relationship changes considerably!


The advantages of the digital VS paper sales book

A crucial element of the meeting with a prospect, the sales pitch is a demonstration that must make an impression, understand and respond to the needs expressed, and the "hidden" needs of your interlocutor. With a touchscreen tablet, no more flyers, brochures, and leaflets of any kind. All your documentation is available in a few clicks, up to date, and allows you to respond to any situation. Leave your cumbersome paper documentation at the office!

An inclusive exchange with your interlocutor

The act of selling includes a part of relational and emotional intelligence. A good salesperson must be able to create this atmosphere. The fluid handling of a touch tablet gives a playful side to your exchange.

Include your buyer in your exchange, by offering to use your tablet. You are no longer presenting, you are involving, and the relationship is at that point already pre-established.

Immediate responses

A touch-sensitive tablet gives you access to live information. Your documents, updated continuously, are at your fingertips! This means you can answer any questions you may have, and use all the media at your disposal to illustrate your points. This allows you to adapt your offer live, according to your customers' needs.

Customizable content

Your sales book gives you access to all available information about your client, allowing you to cover your subject thoroughly, and not be caught off guard during the appointment.

This way, you can customize your presentations according to your clients or prospects, build your own materials from those already established, and structure your sales pitch according to your buyer.

This allows for a more efficient approach, better prepared and tailored to your buyer, and with a higher potential for success.


An offer that can be modified online

"Strike while the iron is hot" This is especially true in sales. If you need to get back to the office to modify an offer, before sending it back to a prospect, they may have moved on completely by then.

A faster and more reactive approach will be more efficient! In addition, you can use an integrated tracking tool to know when your customer opens and reads your email. This can allow you to personalize the follow-up process.

Ongoing interactive training

To sell well, you need to be up to date. Whether it's a new product catalog, process or methodology, a digital sales book can include a continuous interactive training system.

Interactive and easy to use, it allows you to learn at your own pace, and to test your knowledge.


How to make an effective Digital Sales Book?


The different types of commercial book

There are several types of sales books:

What to put in your sales book?


One part dedicated to customers, the other to sales reps

Conclusion : What to remember

In order to design an effective sales book :

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