What if your business strategy isn't as clear as you thought?

For you, everything is clear: the numbers, the objectives and the strategy. But are you sure everyone else is? For a sales strategy to be effective, it must be aligned with the company's strategy and shared across all stakeholders. Sales, customer support, marketing, communication, after-sales service, logistics... they all have a role to play to varying degrees in the application and implementation of your sales strategy.
The disconnection between high aspirations, the strategies agreed upon in management meetings and the daily reality can generate frustration internally. Hence the need to make your processes more fluid in order to work more efficiently. A mission that Mobile Sales Enablement can fulfill.
Align your strategy with your sales teams
The role of a salesperson is simple: he or she must find prospects, convert them into customers, sell and ensure good customer relations in the area under his or her responsibility. On paper, this sounds easy. But it is not always the case.
Selling well means making choices. It means focusing on specific markets, customers, prospects, products or geographical areas. It means making decisions and convincing both internally and externally.
But is it really aligned with the overall business strategy?
If your teams are not sure of what they should and should not do, there is a great risk of leading to average decisions and sluggish initiative taking.
Whether it's expected sales, achieved revenue, sharing of successes and best practices, or emerging market opportunities, the way these goals are communicated, facilitated, and aligned with the business strategy greatly influences the work done.
Rethink the way your strategy communicates with your sales reps customers: how can it be improved? How can you ensure that it is understood and applied? How can you make the best use of figures? How do you use Big Data? How can you use your working tools to share it effectively?
The alignment of your sales strategy is a lever that should not be underestimated, as it has a direct impact on your results sales reps.
Align your strategy with your marketing teams
Separating sales strategy from marketing is a big mistake.
In fact, marketing directly feeds the operational needs of sales reps with tools, best practices, content and techniques. Sales tools, online catalogs, presentations, pitches, sales arguments, presentation videos... everything is carefully thought out to ensure that marketing is the essential link between operationality and high-level strategy. Between theoretical reflection and practical action.
It's up to you to ensure that this hyphen is in line with the key elements of your sales strategy. A few questions to start your introspection: how do your marketing teams work with your sales reps ? How do they support sales initiatives? How do they analyze the market, the competition, trends and customer expectations? And how do they communicate with your sales forces in the field?
A clear vision of the contact points and links between marketing and sales allows you to structure your strategic approach, to facilitate communication and to adjust what needs to be adjusted. The goal is to limit or eliminate work in silos and to focus on transversality.
Align your business strategy with your customers as well
If customers are, by nature, at the end of your sales strategy, they have a crucial role to play, as their behaviors and decisions will confirm or deny the relevance of the chosen approach.
The product is not the only reason why a customer does not buy.
The reasons can be diverse: is the human relationship healthy and cordial? Has the use of sales tools been adequate? Did they perceive the impact of the new commercial orientation? Are they aware of the promotional offers? How can the power of the brand influence decision making?
These are all questions that require in-depth analysis of the impact of sales decisions, tools, content and behavior on the customer's final decision-making factor. A sales strategy that is unclear, poorly explained or misunderstood will have an immediate impact on sales reps in the field, and therefore, in turn, on customers.
By limiting the impact of intuition or "I've been told that", and by focusing on action with quantified data, easy-to-use tools and privileged relationships between sales and marketing, Mobile Sales Enablement is an approach that enhances and optimizes a sales strategy. With a single tool for several uses, Mobile Sales Enablement becomes a powerful lever for global consistency that creates confidence, motivation and dynamism. These values are essential to better sell and clarify your sales approach, both internally and externally.
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