– Eric Jayet, Directeur Performance Commerciale Groupe Adéquat
– Aymeric Thomas, Chef de Projet Marketing Opérationnel Client Groupe Adéquat
– Stephane Renger, CEO Salesapps
Adéquat Group
Modern Selling : Sales & Marketing au service de la performance commerciale
– Vianney Leveugle, Directeur Marketing & Commercial GEODIS France
– Laurent Blin, Product Marketing Leader – OVH Cloud
– Carine Duxin, Directrice Conseil & Relation Client – ITFacto
– Nicolas Marsaud, CEO Nenuphar Média
– Stephane Renger, CEO Salesapps
Comment booster l'efficacité marketing & commerciale avec le modern selling ?
« Les freins qui peuvent survenir traditionnellement sont des contenus non adaptés, trop nombreux, pas mis à jour et surtout pas conçus pour s’intégrer dans l’expérience de vente de nos commerciaux », témoigne Vianney Leveugle sur l’alignement en entreprise.
Revivez les temps forts de cette table ronde sur le Modern Selling ! Au programme : Quels sont les freins à l’alignement sales & marketing ? Qu’est-ce qu’un bon contenu commercial ? La méthode phare à utiliser en entreprise ? Comment éviter le tire à l’aveugle en LeadGen ? Quels sont les KPIs à mesurer lorsqu’on fait partie d’une direction sales & marketing ?
– Romain Lacoche, Directeur Marketing Opérationnel Client JCDecaux
– Georges Da Silva, COO Salesapps
Comment incarner la RSE en rendez-vous commercial ?
« Nous avions un marché extrêmement tendu, avec des commerciaux sensibilisés à la question de la RSE, mais sans une véritable compréhension du sujet. Dès qu’une question se posait, nous devions faire appel aux équipes RSE, ce qui faisait que le discours manquait d’incarnation et de maîtrise. », témoigne Romain Lacoche, Directeur Marketing Opérationnel Client chez JCDecaux.
Découvrez à travers son témoignage les actions mises en place chez JCDecaux pour soutenir leur démarche, l’importance pour le marketing d’accompagner les commerciaux sur ce sujet, comment le marketing a réussi à démocratiser la RSE auprès des forces de vente, et comment accompagner la montée en compétences sur cette thématique.
Pourquoi la RSE est un enjeu clé pour vos rendez-vous commerciaux ?
Performer de manière responsable est devenu un impératif pour les directions commerciales souhaitant pérenniser leur activité et se différencier sur leurs marchés. En effet, “78 % des acheteurs déclarent être influencés par le caractère responsable d’une marque lors de l’acte d’achat”. Ne pas aligner sa stratégie commerciale avec les attentes RSE des acheteurs, c’est risquer de perdre une opportunité de vente au profit d’un acteur plus engagé.
Zoom sur la place particulière que la RSE occupe chez JCDecaux et pourquoi incarner cette stratégie lors des rendez-vous commerciaux est déterminant, à travers le témoignage de Lénaïc Pineau, Directrice Développement Durable & Qualité chez JCDecaux.
6 étapes pour mettre en place le Modern Selling
L’acheteur accorde de moins en moins de temps au commercial (5% selon une étude de Gartner) et 77% des commerciaux estiment qu’il est urgent de moderniser les techniques de vente (Uptoo). En alignant Sales & Marketing, vous rééquilibrez le match entre acheteur et commercial, et donnez à vos commerciaux les moyens nécessaires pour gagner en rendez-vous.
Découvrez les nouveaux enjeux du rendez-vous client, 6 étapes pour mettre en place le Modern Selling et les ROIs observés à travers les témoignages de Stephane Renger, CEO et Georges Da Silva, COO Salesapps.
How to turn your marketing content into content to sell?
Les défis liés aux contenus marketing auxquels sont confrontés les marketeurs sont nombreux : difficulté à mesurer le ROI des contenus, contenus pas à jour, peu accessibles en rendez-vous et non adaptés aux attentes du terrain. Au final, plus de 90 % des contenus marketing ne sont pas utilisés par la force de vente (Jeff Ernst) ! Repenser sa stratégie de contenus marketing devient indispensable quand on sait l’impact qu’elle a sur la performance commerciale.
Découvrez comment réinventer votre stratégie de contenus et vos rendez-vous client à travers le témoignage de Lucie Malenfant, Responsable Marketing Factory chez JCDecaux France.
– Vianney Leveugle, Directeur Marketing & Commercial, GEODIS Région France
– Stephane Renger, CEO Salesapps
Comment intégrer la RSE dans le pitch commercial ?
78% des acheteurs déclarent être influencés par le caractère responsable d’une marque lors de l’acte d’achat, alors que moins d’un commercial sur deux connaît les engagements de son entreprise en matière de RSE (Sustainable Brands LSA). Intégrer la RSE dans le pitch du commercial devient donc une nécessité pour les Directions Marketing & Commerciales !
Découvrez comment mobiliser les commerciaux sur la RSE, comment l’intégrer dans leur pitch, comment accélérer leur montée en compétence sur ce sujet, et comment valoriser votre démarche RSE lors des rendez-vous à travers le témoignage de Vianney Leveugle, Directeur Marketing & Commercial GEODIS Région France
– Tiffany Rebel, Responsable Développement Ventes Suntory Beverage & Food France
– Georges Da Silva, COO Salesapps
Suntory Beverage & Food france
Modern Selling : comment concevoir une application performante ?
85% des acheteurs B2B accordent autant d’importance à l’expérience d’achat qu’aux produits(Global B2B Payment Playbook). La professionnalisation des rendez-vous et l’optimisation de l’expérience d’achat est donc décisive pour toutes directions marketing & commerciales qui souhaitent performer !
Découvrez comment moderniser vos rendez-vous commerciaux, comment concevoir une application performante, comment embarquer 100% des utilisateurs rapidement & comment former et mettre en réussite les équipes à travers le témoignage de Tiffany Rebel, Responsable Développement Ventes Suntory Beverage & Food France !
Kompass France
Sales & Marketing alignment, the keys to a successful strategy
According to the latest CMIT study, only 43% of companies feel that their Marketing and Sales departments are aligned. Discover the solutions offered by Sales Enablement: how to create synergies between teams? How can you ensure time-to-market alignment? How can you adapt your content for sales? What KPIs can you use to measure the ROI of your actions?
Gilles Tyssier, Deputy General Manager, Kompass France, gives us his experience.
Adéquat Group
How to make your sales force successful and reduce turnover with Sales Enablement?
In the highly competitive temporary employment and recruitment market, the Adéquat Group wanted to accelerate the growth of its business, develop its value-added services and reduce its sales cycle by optimizing the production of personalized proposals. In 2021, the Adéquat Group called on Salesapps to equip its 400 sales reps with a Sales Enablement application. One year later, the NOMAD application wins the Action Co Trophy for the best Sales Enablement application.
A look back at Adéquat Intérim & Recrutement, a major player in the sector with 400 employees sales reps, and Salesapps, winners of the ACTIONCO Trophy for the best Sales Enablement application.
- Vianney Leveugle, Marketing & Sales Director GEODIS Distribution & Express
- Stéphane Renger, CEO Salesapps
GEODIS Distribution & Express
How to digitalize and make your sales force successful with Sales Enablement?
Vianney Leveugle, Marketing & Sales Director at GEODIS Distribution & Express, is in charge of coordinating and providing sales support to a team of over 350 people sales reps. He deployed Salesapps 5 years ago. How do you create the conditions for effective Sales & Marketing alignment and boost sales performance? From the initial design of the application to its adaptation to field needs over time, via its adoption rate and team management, discover all the keys to developing your sales efficiency.
- Aurélie Meslage, Business Development Director Suntory Beverage & Food France
- Georges Da Silva, COO Salesapps
Suntory Beverage & Food France
Round table: live my life as a sales reps, operational carthography of sales
In a constantly changing economic world, sales organizations must readapt to remain effective. Reorganizing the sales force to meet these new challenges has become a priority. A round table discussion which allowed to draw up the future of the sales profession and to discuss the actions to be taken in the long term to boost sales performance.
- Aurélie Meslage, National Sales Director, Suntory Beverage & Food France
- Georges da Silva, COO, Salesapps
Suntory Beverage & Food France
Successfully digitizing your sales reps
Aurélie Meslage, head of sales at Suntory Beverage & Food France and voted Sales Manager of the Year by ActionCO, deployed Salesapps to her 220 sales reps, 2 years ago. The co-construction of the solution with her sales team has enabled the development of a high-performance tool adapted to a fast-changing environment.
Let's take a look at this successful digitalization and focus on its next challenge: the sales team incentive with Salesapps!
Moderated by Clément Fages, journalist, and with :
- Eric Jayet, Performance Director Adéquat Group
- Benjamin Peyrache, Marketing Director Adéquat Group
- Stéphane Renger, CEO Salesapps
Adéquat Group
How to make the most of the recovery with Sales Enablement?
Founded in Lyon in 1987, Adéquat, a major player in temporary employment and recruitment with a national network of 300 local agencies, talks about the recent switch of its 400 sales reps to Sales Enablement.
With the testimonies of Benjamin Peyrache (Marketing & Communication Director) and Eric Jayet (Performance Director), discover Adéquat's experience, from the design of the application to its national deployment, as well as the first gains measured on sales performance.
Read the complete testimonials of :
Eric Jayet - Adéquat Group Performance Director and
Bejamin Peyrache - Marketing Director Adéquat Group
Moderated by Claire Dollez, journalist, and with :
- Stéphane Debicki, Sales Director, CHIMIREC Group
- Georges da Silva, COO, Salesapps
How to start the digitalization of your sales force?
What are the challenges of digitalizing the sales force? How to organize and mobilize sales and marketing teams? What are the benefits in the sales reps daily life and during face-to-face or remote meetings? Start a virtuous digitalization!
Moderated by Laure Tréhorel, journalist, and with :
- Patrick Vissac, National Sales Director MHD
- Georges da Silva, COO Salesapps
Moët Hennessy Diageo
Why & how to successfully digitalize your sales force?
What are the challenges of sales force digitalization? What is the value creation for the sales and marketing departments? What are the benefits in the sales reps daily life and during face-to-face or remote meetings? Discover how to optimize your sales efficiency.
Read the full testimony of Patrick Vissac - National Sales Director of Moët Hennessy Diageo
Moderated by Clément Fages, journalist, and with :
- Alban Duron, Marketing Director France, JCDecaux
- Romain Lacoche, Customer Marketing Manager, JCDecaux Group,
- Georges da Silva, COO, Salesapps
Sales Enablement: how JCDecaux digitalizes its sales force
Faced with the health crisis, JCDecaux quickly adjusted its sales approach and deployed a Sales Enablement application to its 400 sales reps. "Getting the message across quickly" became a priority to boost business, as Alban Duron, Marketing Director France, explains in this testimonial. As Alban Duron, the Group's Marketing Director for France, explains in this testimonial, "hitting the bull's-eye quickly" became a priority to boost business.
Sales Enablement also meets the challenges previously shared by JCDecaux: mastering its marketing content, steering the activity of its sales force and better understanding its customers' expectations. In short, the goal is to always have "the right content, in the right format and at the right time" as Alban Duron summarized.
Moderated by Clément Fages, journalist, and with :
- Nathalie Paya-Charron, Marketing & Communication Director of the Atlantic brand
- Stéphane Renger, CEO, Salesapps
Atlantic Group
Personalize our appointments according to our clients, according to our objectives...
The digitalization of sales forces has become the key to a better alignment of Sales & Marketing and to the improvement of sales performance. In the current context, mastering remote and face-to-face meetings is essential to develop or relaunch your business.
Atlantic, European leader in thermal comfort, has decided to deploy Salesapps to its sales force to better control the distribution of its marketing content and personalize its approach to customers.
Discover their feedback and a demo of their application.
Vianney Leveugle - Marketing and Sales Director GEODIS Distribution & Express and Georges Da Silva - COO Salesapps
Sales Enablement: marketing for sales performance
90% of marketing content is not used by sales (1) and only 23% of companies consider that the data in their CRM is of good or very good quality (2). A daily headache to deploy an efficient sales and marketing strategy for its customers.
You are a Marketing Director or Manager, Sales Director or Salesperson, Company Manager...? Accelerate your digitalization! Discover how Sales Enablement will enable you to improve your sales performance by aligning Sales & Marketing.
What are the best practices and new uses offered by the digitalization of sales forces?
(1) The new rules of Sales Enablement, Jeff Enrst
(2) Gartner
10 key points to make your project a success!
Digitizing sales acts and presentations using a tablet or PC application has become a priority for many marketing and sales organizations.
The design and animation of this application are key to the success of your project and the production of tangible ROI.
Return on the 10 key points to succeed your project with a particular focus on the digitalization led by Sébastien VERQUIN, Sales Director, within the company ZOLUX.
- Romain Lacoche, Director of Operational Marketing & Customer Relations, JCDecaux
- Georges Da Silva, COO Salesapps
How can you successfully digitalize and onboard your sales reps ?
The performance of a Sales Enablement application is first measured by its adoption rate by sales teams. Deploying a sales application means targeting 100% of its usage rate as quickly as possible and during your peak periods. Sales teams are rich, with varied experiences and profiles. How can you create the conditions for an efficient sales & marketing alignment and boost your sales performance? Here's a look at a successful experience with Romain Lacoche, Operational Marketing & Customer Relations Director at JCDecaux.
Robot Coupe
Pilot your digitalization!
This year you want to implement a Sales Enablement strategy and digitalize your sales teams.
In 45 minutes we propose you to come back on :
- the ROI of Sales Enablement in a sales & marketing organization,
- good practices to be applied immediately and
- tips to boost your results.
After 3 years of digitalization of its sales teams with Salesapps, Nicolas DUMOULIN - Digital Project Manager @ ROBOT COUPE looks back on the organization put in place.