Category: Hardware
Digital Sales Room : comment ça fonctionne et pourquoi l’adopter ?
In Hardware
Selon une récente étude de Gartner : « 80 % des interactions commerciales B2B entre fournisseurs et acheteurs se produiront sur des canaux numériques d’ici 2025 ». Au cœur de cette transformation, […]
How to make a convincing sales presentation?
In Marketing, Hardware, Sales Enablement
What is a sales presentation? As the name suggests, a sales presentation is a presentation made by a salesperson with the aim of selling his or her product or service. It encompasses the sales pitch, [...]
How can Marketing help sales reps perform better?
In Marketing, Hardware, Sales Enablement
Yes, Marketing can help sales reps perform better! And all the more so with the tools we'll be presenting below! Aligning Sales and Marketing [...]
Sales Enablement: Which solutions to choose and why? Zolux Case Study
In Training, Hardware, Mobile Sales Enablement, Sales Optimization
What is Sales Enablement? Sales Enablement is a strategic, cross-functional approach designed to increase an organization's sales and productivity results by providing content that is relevant and relevant to the business.
iPad, Android, Surface... Which tablet for your sales reps ?
In Hardware
Digital transformation has completely changed our profession and our sales approach. The introduction of touch-screen tablets, a new version of the sales book for sales reps, [...]