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Category: Sales Enablement

24 avril 2024

Sales Enablement : le guide complet

By Aurélien De Joffrey


Qu’est-ce que le Sales Enablement ? Le Sales Enablement est une approche stratégique qui vise à optimiser les performances des équipes commerciales en leur fournissant les formations, les outils et […]

December 13, 2023

SAFRAN wins Bronze Award for Best Customer Experience at the BtoB Leaders Awards 2023

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

The 9th edition of RIM has come to a close, and the winners of the BtoB Leaders Awards have been revealed! A wonderful evening highlighting the best initiatives of the year.

How to make a convincing sales presentation
November 27, 2023

How to make a convincing sales presentation?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In , ,

What is a sales presentation? As the name suggests, a sales presentation is a presentation made by a salesperson with the aim of selling his or her product or service. It encompasses the sales pitch, [...]

How to modernize the customer appointment experience with Sales Enablement
October 30, 2023

How to modernize the customer experience with Sales Enablement?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

The customer experience plays a key role in sales effectiveness, and is all the more decisive as the time spent by the buyer with the sales rep is now increasingly [...].

CSR & sales reps : the new challenge for managers sales reps !
September 28, 2023

CSR & sales reps : the new challenge for managers sales reps !

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In , ,

Le Sales Enablement pour répondre aux enjeux RSE des directions commerciales ! Pourquoi les entreprises mettent-elles en place une politique RSE ? Les entreprises ont progressivement évolué dans leur adoption de […]

July 5, 2023

Onboarding or how to successfully integrate new employees sales reps ?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

Successful onboarding means new recruits stay with us and develop their skills more quickly! Do you want to effectively integrate your new sales reps employees? Do you want them to feel confident and [...]

Sales support tools : For whom and why?
May 4, 2023

Sales support tools : For whom and why?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive sales landscape, having a powerful sales enablement tool is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for [...]

How to implement an effective Sales Enablement strategy?
April 18, 2023

How to implement an effective Sales Enablement strategy?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

The Sales Enablement application, also known as a sales support tool, has become an indispensable element for all companies looking to align their Sales & Marketing teams in time [...]

April 11, 2023

How to turn your marketing content into content to sell?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

In France, only 43% of companies consider their Marketing and Sales departments to be aligned (CMIT 2022 study). This figure is slightly higher than in 2021. The relationship [...]

The b2b sales in 2023: opportunities to boost your business
January 19, 2023

La vente B2B en 2024 : les opportunités à saisir pour booster votre activité

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

B2B sales continue to evolve, offering new opportunities to companies that know how to adapt. Attracting and retaining sales reps customers, adapting to increasingly complex sales, [...]

December 22, 2022

The Sales Enablement Manager to improve the overall performance of your sales team

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

Sales Enablement is a growing discipline. While the function is fully embodied in the U.S. and U.K., it is beginning to catch up and gain momentum [...]

ROIs Sales Enablement
December 13, 2022

Sales Enablement: ROIs are in!

By Aurélien De Joffrey


Marketing departments, regardless of strategy, continue to face rapidly changing B2B buying behaviors, with more empowered and informed buyers, and competition [...]

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Marketing departments, regardless of strategy, continue to face rapidly changing B2B buying behaviors, with more empowered and informed buyers, and much more competition. This combination of factors creates an environment in which CMOs must adjust their action plans and measure the ROI of their investments for maximum effectiveness.

This is highlighted by a study conducted by LinkedIn that found that 77% of marketing managers feel under pressure to prove the ROI of marketing campaigns. Engaging in a Sales Enablement approach offers quick gains through the productivity levers it brings, and leads Sales & Marketing teams to a more agile organization in driving its strategy.

Quels sont les ROIs du Sales Enablement ?

Infographic Sales & Marketing Alignment to Increase Your ROI

L’application de Sales Enablement apporte un alignement Sales & marketing en temps réel, elle permet de développer significativement la performance commerciale de la force de vente pendant et en dehors des rendez-vous, et crée une nouvelle expérience de vente avec les clients. Nous pouvons évaluer les ROIs du Sales Enablement au travers de 4 catégories :

1- Real-time sales & marketing alignment

Turn marketing content into sales content! The right argument at the right time! Aligning sales & marketing through a Sales Enablement application will ensure that the content used by the sales force on a daily basis is used and updated in real time. 

This content, available on all devices including offline (Computer, Tablet, Mobile), is directly accessible in the sales process of the salesperson during his or her appointments or for the preparation of the latter.

Les synergies entre le management, les équipes marketing et les équipes terrain sont renforcées, les délais de remontées des informations du terrain et d’analyse sont réduits, la prise de décision qui s’appuie sur des KPIs clairs est accélérée.

2-Increase sales performance

The Sales Enablement application is your salesperson's best ally. Before the meeting, it allows him/her to access his/her marketing content more easily, to create a personalized presentation simply and quickly, and after the meeting, to free up precious time thanks to the automation of visit reports in the CRM. An estimated time saving of 45 minutes on the preparation of a meeting according to Hervé Carette, Innovation Project Manager at EDF. 

Being freed from administrative tasks, the salesperson can devote more time to making other appointments. This is the observation of Aurélie Meslage, Sales Development Director at Orangina Suntory France, and her team who made 3,000 more visits in one year, resulting in additional sales of 800,000 euros. Sophie Saussier, Head of Analysis and Sales Support Tools at Moët Henessy Diageo France, also attests to this result with more than 1,200 appointments per month.

In addition to face-to-face meetings, the Sales Enablement application also proves to be formidable during remote selling meetings. In particular, it allows you to create the excitement that buyers are looking for and to increase the number of meetings. Since its launch, JCDecaux has multiplied this type of meeting by 10 with more than 1800 meetings per month.

Thanks to his modern image, his better mastery of the offer and of the sales pitch in meetings, the sales person with a Sales Enablement tool sees his conversion rate increase by 5 to 15%, sometimes more. Sales Enablement is a very effective lever for generating more signatures, as shown by the results of the Adéquat Group with a 12.5% increase in turnover.

NOMAD, the application deployed by Salesapps for Adéquat Interim and Recruitment, was elected best Sales Enablement application by the Action Co 2022 Trophies with exceptional results from the first year:

+ 12.5% of the turnover on the target
+ 10% of the Gross Margin Rate Temporary Work
+ 10% of the average price of a recruitment
+ 66% of the related costs

Finally, and this is good for the planet, the digitalization of the sales force also allows you to significantly reduce your print budget when you manage catalogs or brochures. As an example, the company ZOLUX has reduced its print budget by +90%, a saving of 50K€ per year.

3- Accelerated skills development and reduced staff turnover

Demand Metric estimates an average 60% reduction in ramp-up time due to the digitization of marketing tools. A record beaten by Franz Thibault, CEO of Thibault Bergeron, for whom the time needed to integrate a new sales person into the company has been divided by 4. Successfully integrating a new talent means making the most of them so that they can position themselves for success.

It also means providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary for their development. The Sales Enablement application makes this approach possible thanks to adapted training courses and individualized monitoring of the increase in skills. It has enabled the Adéquat Group to reduce turnover by 30% over 1 year. 

4- A conquered sales force

To guarantee the success of your Sales Enablement strategy, the challenges of marketing and the needs of your field teams must be taken into account during the co-construction of your application. Creation of tree structures, graphical interfaces, full deployment or pilot, training... All these stages are key to ensuring the success of your project. By way of example, the Adéquat Group recorded a 100% adoption rate in the week following training, and a 100% daily usage rate for its 400 sales reps employees.

Salesapps Board et ses KPIs pour piloter facilement votre activité

Salesapps Board to easily manage your business and improve your ROI

Sales Enablement ROI cannot be achieved without regular analysis and monitoring of KPIs. Because monitoring your activity is crucial to the success of your Sales Enablement strategy, we've designed Salesapps Board! An interface that lets you easily manage and monitor your business. Whether you're tracking the sales journey of your sales reps appointments, analyzing your statistics (per session, per user, per video/document viewed and shared) or tracking the skills of your sales force... Salesapps Board will be your best asset for analyzing your KPIs and making the right decisions.

To explore all the KPIs proposed by Sales Enablement and discover more ROIs generated by companies such as EDF, Figaro Classifieds or GEODIS Distribution & Express, we suggest you read our Sales Enablement KPI & ROI White Paper.

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