
At once a strategic vision, a professional tool and a state of mind, Mobile Sales Enablement is a set of techniques and approaches designed to optimize the work of sales reps through the use of mobile devices. The launch of the iPhone in 2007, followed by the iPad in 2010, paved the way for a new way of working. Gone are the paper books and brochures. No more hesitant PowerPoint presentations. Gone are the awkward moments when sales reps struggle to find the right information and the right support in the depths of their tired computers. Mobile Sales Enablement has totally reshuffled the deck to boost the work of sales teams in the field, in total alignment with marketing.
- Mobile Sales Enablement, the answer to old inefficient practices
- The tablet: the best ally for Mobile Sales Enablement
- The smartphone: your constant partner
- Reinvent the relationship between your marketing and sales teams
Mobile Sales Enablement, the answer to old inefficient practices
90% of the tools produced by marketing are not used by the sales force.
sales reps wastes up to 30 hours a month researching and creating customer presentations.
Two data that clearly illustrate that despite the budgets invested in digital transformation of companies, the results are far from being up to expectations. Mobile Sales Enablement enables a more efficient activation of the sales process by using the best of the new technological tools (tablets, app and cloud). Beyond the disruptive aspect of the tablet in the business relationship, what counts is the user experience and the ease of use. These new tools are universal. They are part of our daily lives and even replace laptops and other existing tools, which are no longer efficient or relevant, because they create a barrier between the parties. With Mobile Sales Enablement, whether on the customer's or the salesperson's side, all information is integrated in one tool, accessible at any time (even without an Internet connection) and designed with optimized ergonomics to make it easy to use. If Mobile Sales Enablement is useful for selling, it also has many other advantages, such as having a complete application with training materials and quizzes to support the sales team. This way, offers are better mastered in an all-in-one tool.
The tablet: the best ally for Mobile Sales Enablement
It's impossible to talk about Mobile Sales Enablement without talking about tablets. They have transformed the sales process and have become a key tool for working differently. All data and sales materials can be consulted at the click of a button. Navigation is fluid, intuitive and ergonomic. The customer is integrated into the presentation: he can navigate himself, view videos or 3D animations.
But the tablet can do even better. A good Mobile Sales Enablement application connects all business tools on one device. Sales, reporting, prospecting and statistics tools, of course, but also training tools to optimize the work of your sales force.
It's often difficult to get a sales team together for a training seminar. Thanks to the tablet, your sales reps staff can learn at their own pace, using an interface they are already familiar with. Videos, product sheets, speeches sales reps, quizzes, validation of learning... your entire HR strategy is strengthened.
The smartphone: your constant partner
While the tablet is always associated with Mobile Sales Enablement, the phone is also a relevant relay. A good application synchronizes all data in real time, regardless of time or place. Thanks to push notifications, your sales force is informed of new developments or news and has access to the information they need. Document search is adapted to the use and ergonomics of the smartphone and presentations are viewable, editable and shareable in one click.
The same goes for training, with the opportunity to take advantage of breaks to follow a training course, confirm data or take a quiz. On average, people consult their smartphone nearly 150 times a day. Thanks to Mobile Sales Enablement, this time can be used for your sales success.
Reinvent the relationship between your marketing and sales teams
Between sales and marketing, it's often a case of "je t'aime, moi non plus". Relations can be complicated, even tumultuous. On the one hand, sales reps feel unheard, misunderstood and equipped with unsuitable materials, and on the other, marketing fail to harmonize sales pitches, implement the company's global policy and share relevant tools.
Mobile Sales Enablement completely reinvents this relationship to break down silos and work in complementarity around a relevant tool, updated in real time and source of many information both up and down.
This new relationship has a direct impact on your return on investment. Mobile Sales Enablement offers an unprecedented commercial lever to boost your sales. Your sales reps staff are better trained, better equipped and more confident in mastering a sales pitch with the right language. All presentations are well structured, whether for direct or indirect sales, including social selling and cross-selling. Workflows and production within your organization are more efficient. The scope of the entire sales chain before, during and after the sale is boosted, thus impacting on the company's overall efficiency.
Whether you have a dozen or so sales reps working locally, or hundreds across several countries or continents, Mobile Sales Enablement is the solution that will enable you to work better. It's the best way to unleash the potential of your sales reps, energize your sales force, boost your sales strategy and invest in a winning best practice that reaches far beyond your existing teams.
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