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October 20, 2023

How can we stimulate and improve the quality of field feedback from sales reps ?

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How can we stimulate and accelerate the quality of field feedback from sales reps

What is field feedback?

Field feedback refers to the process by which sales teams share information and observations from the field with their sales management and with marketing management. This feedback is invaluable, as it provides a live view of what's happening in the field. The information shared can take many different forms: observations concerning the competition, customer feedback, a sales opportunity, a problem encountered during a promotional offer, an invitation to a trade show, the implementation of an animation, a suggestion for improvement or simply specific customer needs identified.

What are the most commonly used land-survey methods and their limitations?

What are the most commonly used land-survey methods and their limitations?

Les moyens utilisés pour faire des remontées terrain ne manquent pas mais sont-ils pratiques et surtout efficaces ?  Entre la réunion commerciale, le téléphone portable, les mails ou encore WhatsApp, le commercial à l’embarras du choix pour effectuer sa remontée d’information. Cette diversité des canaux utilisés ne garantit pour autant en rien la qualité de l’information partagée et entraîne bien souvent des problèmes de dispersion de données. Deux questions se posent au moment de remonter une information : comment ? Autrement dit quel est le moyen le plus efficace pour que mon retour soit vu et traité, et à qui ? Comment s’assurer que le bon interlocuteur sera au final en contact avec ma remontée d’information. Des problèmes de choix de canal et de destinataire peuvent donc compromettre l’efficacité des remontées terrain. Entre l’information communiquée par le commercial et celle qui sera effectivement reçue, et on l’espère traitée, l’essentiel du message peut être perdu et dilué dans la masse d’information à laquelle une organisation est quotidiennement exposée.

As long as the information reported is not structured, centralized and routed to the right contact using the right channel, field feedback will not be effective! Let's take the case of intermediaries, who also hamper the effectiveness of field feedback. In practice, it's quite rare for a sales rep to be able to talk directly to the decision-maker or the person in charge of the subject who will be able to analyze and take action. This is all the more true in large companies or those with geographically dispersed teams. More often than not, and due to the lack of appropriate tools, the salesperson will share the information with his or her N+1 in a meeting or via a phone call, to the manager of a department not concerned by the request, or simply ask his or her colleague in the field to share the observation with the person in question. The process of escalating information becomes long and complicated. The result? Information circulates poorly, becomes diluted and is eventually lost. As a result, the information is not processed and, over time, sales reps stops reporting. All these observations raise questions about the effectiveness of the channels used to provide feedback in the field:

1. Sales meeting :

The sales meeting provides a framework in which sales reps can express themselves orally with their manager. In addition to facilitating the follow-up of actions taken, the sales meeting is an excellent opportunity to motivate teams and guide them towards new objectives. But does this make it the ideal channel for field feedback? On the face of it, yes, but there are several risks. Is the manager concerned by the subject at hand? Is there a risk of subjective interpretation? Will the information shared be passed on? To the right person? Is this information always identical to what is observed in the field? Will it be transmitted at the right time?

2. Mails :

Over the years, e-mail has established itself as the predominant means of communication within companies. Sending an e-mail: it's fast, efficient, and you can share anything with anyone! However, there are questions to be asked about the relevance of this channel for field feedback. Is the information transmitted by e-mail precise enough? Does it provide enough context for an overall understanding of the message? Is the recipient really concerned by the subject? Does the sales rep know the right person to contact? If the message isn't read immediately or during the day, isn't there a risk that it will get lost in the recipient's e-mail flow and never be processed? What's more, there's no way to homogenize the feedback (e.g., no fields to categorize the information), which makes it hard to exploit the data behind it. The recipient is often overwhelmed by the volume of e-mails, which makes it difficult to manage, prioritize and prioritize the information sent by the sales rep.

3. WhatsApp:

WhatsApp is the best! As well as being available on smartphones, sending messages is both free and instantaneous. The ability to create groups and share different types of content (files, photos and videos) makes it an excellent means of communication. However, managing WhatsApp discussions can become chaotic if information is not well organized. Creating a WhatsApp newsgroup helps to centralize the information reported, but the administrator may find it difficult to sort, retrieve or exploit the data due to the sheer volume of messages exchanged in the conversation. The flow of information is in itself a weakness when it comes to providing effective field feedback and exploiting it over time.

4. Phone :

The telephone offers fast, direct communication, but it does have its limitations. Do I have the contact details of the right person? Is he or she available when I call? If not, should I leave a message or call back? Telephone conversations are not recorded, which means that if the information is misunderstood, it's difficult to check unless you call the person back, which can be a waste of time. Even if the information is understood correctly, the caller is not reminded of it. It's up to them to remember. In terms of follow-up, it's also complicated to trace information shared over the phone. Who passed on the information? When and at what time? Can the degree of importance of the subject be traced? Can we guarantee an analysis of the feedback from the field? Nor does the telephone allow for precise contextualization of the information transmitted.

Why is it important to stimulate feedback from the field?

Il est nécessaire de stimuler les remontées terrain parce que cette information est riche, instantanée gratuite et qu’elle constitue également une veille qui vaut de l’or pour toutes les entreprises (veille concurrentielle, satisfaction client, opportunité marché..). Le commercial doit donc être guidé et incité à le faire une 1ère fois pour qu’il entre dans ce processus. Si cette information est ensuite traitée, qu’un retour et un remerciement sont faits à son expéditeur, quelle que soit l’issue de la décision finale, les bases d’un cercle vertueux seront alors posées. En effet, une remontée traitée et faisant l’objet d’un feedback à son expéditeur témoigne d’un canal de remontée d’information qui fonctionne. L’étape suivante consistera à lui faire découvrir tous les types d’information qui peuvent faire l’objet d’une remontée, à le stimuler dans cette activité et le mettre en avant ponctuellement. Ce n’est pas un hasard si ces moteurs de remontées d’information sont souvent associés à de la gamification. Elle devient alors ludique, utile, valorisante et stimulante pour le commercial.

Encouraging feedback from the field offers numerous advantages, such as real-time monitoring, a shared knowledge base, improved company responsiveness, improved customer satisfaction, more motivated sales teams and stronger synergies between field teams and management, as well as between Sales & Marketing.

What are the different types of field feedback?

Les types d’information que le commercial remonte dépendent fortement de la situation à laquelle il est confronté. En règle générale, toutes les informations peuvent être remontées sous réserve que l’outil utilisé le permette. Parmi les types d’information qui peuvent être remontés on peut citer : l’information concurrentielle (animation d’un point de vente concurrent, relevé de prix, lancement d’une nouvelle offre/service, ouverture d’une nouvelle boutique…), le feedback des clients (qu’il s’agisse de points de satisfaction, d’insatisfactions ou d’idées d’amélioration), le merchandising (comme la mise en place d’une tête de gondole, le réassortiment d’un rayon, l’installation d’une vitrine, ou les prix affichés sur les produits lors du lancement d’une offre promotionnelle…), la réalisation d’un chantier, d’une opération commerciale, des suggestions (idées émises directement par le commercial)…

As far as format is concerned, everything should be possible, from a simple free-text note to a form or even a photo. The important thing is to make it easy to pass on information and to send it to the right person(s).

Feedback from the field: what's at stake for sales and marketing managers?

1. Stimulate feedback from the field :

How can we encourage sales staff to provide feedback in the field? How can we create a favorable environment that encourages feedback? What means can be put in place to encourage feedback from the field (e.g. challenges, etc.)?

2. Channeling and organizing feedback from the field :

How do you centralize the information reported? How can we ensure that information is shared with the right people? How can we ensure that the information received is usable by management? How can we facilitate the transmission of information between the field and head office?

3. Enter a virtuous circle of feedback :

How do you create a habit around information feedback? How can we get sales reps to spontaneously report information?

Digitalize your field feedback with Sales Enablement for greater efficiency

L’application du Sales Enablement agit comme un catalyseur efficace pour faciliter les remontées terrain depuis un smartphone, une tablette ou un PC. Cette fonctionnalité de « feedback » doit tout d’abord permettre de catégoriser à la source l’information afin de l’adresser aux bons interlocuteurs sans que l’expéditeur n’ait à s’en soucier. Vous pourrez ainsi remonter différents types d’informations simplement et rapidement. Le bénéfice est double, vous donnez des idées au commercial sur le type d’information qu’il peut vous remonter et vous lui simplifiez la vie en lui garantissant l’acheminement au bon interlocuteur. Toutes les catégories de remontées peuvent être archivées et configurées directement depuis un Back-Office, permettant ainsi d’adapter, de compléter et de faire évoluer les flux d’informations en fonction des besoins des managers comme des équipes marketing. La structuration des données facilite ainsi leur exploitation au siège, ce qui permet de mener à bien l’ensemble des opérations commerciales qui en découle.

Rather than seeing it as a constraint or an additional task to be carried out on a daily basis, field feedback becomes an activity in which sales reps finds real added value. Thanks to the gamification system embedded in the application, sales reps can be awarded badges/points for the number of photos shared, the number of likes on a photo... but also for the way in which field feedback is carried out. This feature not only improves the quality of field feedback, but also stimulates it through incentives managed by management.

Another strong point of this "Feedback" functionality lies in its potential to improve field feedback methods. Indeed, thanks to its Instagram-like feed options, the sales force will be able to access content shared by each of sales reps for certain types of information, while others will only be seen by central teams. This feature makes it an excellent way to share best practices with the entire sales force. And let's not forget that working in the field isn't always easy on a day-to-day basis. By centralizing the information shared via a common tool, this information, visible to Sales & Marketing teams, helps to enhance and recognize the work of sales reps.


How do we define field feedback?
In a nutshell, this is the information shared by field teams with their sales management and the marketing department.

Why is field feedback important in business?
Feedback from the field is important for several reasons: to reinforce synergy between head office and field teams, to create commitment among the sales force, to involve sales reps in sales strategy thanks to feedback from the field, to obtain product improvement ideas from your customers, and to instill a sense of recognition for the sales profession.

How to collect field data efficiently?
Efficient field feedback collection must be coupled with optimal use of the data collected, while keeping the collection process simple and rapid. By centralizing this data afterwards, you can build up a solid database that can be used to create action plans based on field experience.

What's the best tool for collecting information from the field?
The Salesapps application stimulates feedback from the field, centralizing and structuring different types of information while maintaining a virtuous circle of feedback thanks to its gamification system. Manager access to the back-office enables data feedback to be analyzed and continuous improvement to be maintained.

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 15317
    [post_author] => 1
    [post_date] => 2023-10-20 11:49:19
    [post_date_gmt] => 2023-10-20 09:49:19
    [post_content] => 

What is field feedback?

Field feedback refers to the process by which sales teams share information and observations from the field with their sales management and with marketing management. This feedback is invaluable, as it provides a live view of what's happening in the field. The information shared can take many forms: observations concerning the competition, customer feedback, a sales opportunity, a problem encountered during a promotional offer, an invitation to a trade show, the setting up of an animation, a suggestion for improvement or simply specific customer needs identified.

What are the most commonly used land-survey methods and their limitations?

What are the most commonly used land-survey methods and their limitations?

Les moyens utilisés pour faire des remontées terrain ne manquent pas mais sont-ils pratiques et surtout efficaces ?  Entre la réunion commerciale, le téléphone portable, les mails ou encore WhatsApp, le commercial à l’embarras du choix pour effectuer sa remontée d’information. Cette diversité des canaux utilisés ne garantit pour autant en rien la qualité de l’information partagée et entraîne bien souvent des problèmes de dispersion de données. Deux questions se posent au moment de remonter une information : comment ? Autrement dit quel est le moyen le plus efficace pour que mon retour soit vu et traité, et à qui ? Comment s’assurer que le bon interlocuteur sera au final en contact avec ma remontée d’information. Des problèmes de choix de canal et de destinataire peuvent donc compromettre l’efficacité des remontées terrain. Entre l’information communiquée par le commercial et celle qui sera effectivement reçue, et on l’espère traitée, l’essentiel du message peut être perdu et dilué dans la masse d’information à laquelle une organisation est quotidiennement exposée.

As long as the information reported is not structured, centralized and routed to the right contact using the right channel, field feedback will not be effective! Let's take the case of intermediaries, who also hamper the effectiveness of field feedback. In practice, it's quite rare for a sales rep to be able to talk directly to the decision-maker or the person in charge of the subject who will be able to analyze and take action. This is all the more true in large companies or those with geographically dispersed teams. More often than not, and due to the lack of appropriate tools, the salesperson will share the information with his or her N+1 in a meeting or via a phone call, to the manager of a department not concerned by the request, or simply ask his or her colleague in the field to share the observation with the person in question. The process of escalating information becomes long and complicated. The result? Information circulates poorly, becomes diluted and is eventually lost. As a result, the information is not processed and, over time, sales reps stops reporting. All these observations raise questions about the effectiveness of the channels used to provide feedback in the field:

1. Sales meeting :

The sales meeting provides a framework in which sales reps can express themselves orally with their manager. In addition to facilitating the follow-up of actions taken, the sales meeting is an excellent opportunity to motivate teams and guide them towards new objectives. But does this make it the ideal channel for field feedback? On the face of it, yes, but there are several risks. Is the manager concerned by the subject at hand? Is there a risk of subjective interpretation? Will the information shared be passed on? To the right person? Is this information always identical to what is observed in the field? Will it be transmitted at the right time?

2. Mails :

Over the years, e-mail has established itself as the predominant means of communication within companies. Sending an e-mail: it's fast, efficient, and you can share anything with anyone! However, there are questions to be asked about the relevance of this channel for field feedback. Is the information transmitted by e-mail precise enough? Does it provide enough context for an overall understanding of the message? Is the recipient really concerned by the subject? Does the sales rep know the right person to contact? If the message isn't read immediately or during the day, isn't there a risk that it will get lost in the recipient's e-mail flow and never be processed? What's more, there's no way to homogenize the feedback (e.g., no fields to categorize the information), which makes it hard to exploit the data behind it. The recipient is often overwhelmed by the volume of e-mails, which makes it difficult to manage, prioritize and prioritize the information sent by the sales rep.

3. WhatsApp:

WhatsApp is the best! As well as being available on smartphones, sending messages is both free and instantaneous. The ability to create groups and share different types of content (files, photos and videos) makes it an excellent means of communication. However, managing WhatsApp discussions can become chaotic if information is not well organized. The creation of a WhatsApp discussion group helps to centralize the information reported, but the administrator may find it difficult to sort, retrieve or exploit the data due to the sheer volume of messages exchanged in the conversation. The flow of information is in itself a weakness when it comes to providing effective field feedback and exploiting it over time.

4. Phone :

The telephone offers fast, direct communication, but it does have its limitations. Do I have the contact details of the right person? Is he or she available when I call? If not, should I leave a message or call back? Telephone conversations are not recorded, which means that if the information is misunderstood, it's difficult to check unless you call the person back, which can be a waste of time. Even if the information is understood correctly, the caller is not reminded of it. It's up to them to remember. In terms of follow-up, it's also complicated to trace information shared over the phone. Who passed on the information? When and at what time? Can the degree of importance of the subject be traced? Can we guarantee an analysis of the feedback from the field? Nor does the telephone allow for precise contextualization of the information transmitted.

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Why is it important to stimulate feedback from the field?

Il est nécessaire de stimuler les remontées terrain parce que cette information est riche, instantanée gratuite et qu’elle constitue également une veille qui vaut de l’or pour toutes les entreprises (veille concurrentielle, satisfaction client, opportunité marché..). Le commercial doit donc être guidé et incité à le faire une 1ère fois pour qu’il entre dans ce processus. Si cette information est ensuite traitée, qu’un retour et un remerciement sont faits à son expéditeur, quelle que soit l’issue de la décision finale, les bases d’un cercle vertueux seront alors posées. En effet, une remontée traitée et faisant l’objet d’un feedback à son expéditeur témoigne d’un canal de remontée d’information qui fonctionne. L’étape suivante consistera à lui faire découvrir tous les types d’information qui peuvent faire l’objet d’une remontée, à le stimuler dans cette activité et le mettre en avant ponctuellement. Ce n’est pas un hasard si ces moteurs de remontées d’information sont souvent associés à de la gamification. Elle devient alors ludique, utile, valorisante et stimulante pour le commercial.

Encouraging feedback from the field offers numerous advantages, such as real-time monitoring, a shared knowledge base, improved company responsiveness, improved customer satisfaction, more motivated sales teams and stronger synergies between field teams and management, as well as between Sales & Marketing.

What are the different types of field feedback?

Les types d'information que le commercial remonte dépendent fortement de la situation à laquelle il est confronté. En règle générale, toutes les informations peuvent être remontées sous réserve que l’outil utilisé le permette. Parmi les types d’information qui peuvent être remontés on peut citer : l’information concurrentielle (animation d’un point de vente concurrent, relevé de prix, lancement d’une nouvelle offre/service, ouverture d’une nouvelle boutique…), le feedback des clients (qu'il s'agisse de points de satisfaction, d'insatisfactions ou d'idées d'amélioration), le merchandising (comme la mise en place d'une tête de gondole, le réassortiment d'un rayon, l’installation d’une vitrine, ou les prix affichés sur les produits lors du lancement d’une offre promotionnelle…), la réalisation d’un chantier, d’une opération commerciale, des suggestions (idées émises directement par le commercial)...

As far as format is concerned, everything should be possible, from a simple free-text note to a form or even a photo. The important thing is to make it easy to pass on information and to send it to the right person(s).

Feedback from the field: what's at stake for sales and marketing managers?

1. Stimulate feedback from the field :

How can we encourage sales staff to provide feedback in the field? How can we create a favorable environment that encourages feedback? What means can be put in place to encourage feedback from the field (e.g. challenges, etc.)?

2. Channeling and organizing feedback from the field :

How do you centralize the information reported? How can we ensure that information is shared with the right people? How can we ensure that the information received is usable by management? How can we facilitate the transmission of information between the field and head office?

3. Enter a virtuous circle of feedback :

How do you create a habit around information feedback? How can we get sales reps to spontaneously report information?

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Digitalize your field feedback with Sales Enablement for greater efficiency

L'application du Sales Enablement agit comme un catalyseur efficace pour faciliter les remontées terrain depuis un smartphone, une tablette ou un PC. Cette fonctionnalité de « feedback » doit tout d’abord permettre de catégoriser à la source l’information afin de l’adresser aux bons interlocuteurs sans que l’expéditeur n’ait à s’en soucier. Vous pourrez ainsi remonter différents types d'informations simplement et rapidement. Le bénéfice est double, vous donnez des idées au commercial sur le type d’information qu’il peut vous remonter et vous lui simplifiez la vie en lui garantissant l’acheminement au bon interlocuteur. Toutes les catégories de remontées peuvent être archivées et configurées directement depuis un Back-Office, permettant ainsi d'adapter, de compléter et de faire évoluer les flux d'informations en fonction des besoins des managers comme des équipes marketing. La structuration des données facilite ainsi leur exploitation au siège, ce qui permet de mener à bien l’ensemble des opérations commerciales qui en découle.

Rather than seeing it as a constraint or an additional task to be carried out on a daily basis, field feedback becomes an activity in which sales reps finds real added value. Thanks to the gamification system embedded in the application, sales reps can be awarded badges/points based on the number of photos shared, the number of likes on a photo... but also on the way in which field feedback is carried out. This feature not only improves the quality of field feedback, but also stimulates it through incentives managed by management.

Another strong point of this "Feedback" functionality lies in its potential to improve field feedback methods. Indeed, thanks to its Instagram-like feed options, the sales force will be able to access content shared by each of sales reps for certain types of information, while others will only be seen by central teams. This feature makes it an excellent way to share best practices with the entire sales force. And let's not forget that working in the field isn't always easy on a day-to-day basis. By centralizing the information shared via a common tool, this information, visible to Sales & Marketing teams, helps to enhance and recognize the work of sales reps.


How do we define field feedback?
In a nutshell, this is the information shared by field teams with their sales management and the marketing department.

Why is field feedback important in business?
Feedback from the field is important for several reasons: to reinforce synergy between head office and field teams, to create commitment among the sales force, to involve sales reps in sales strategy thanks to feedback from the field, to obtain product improvement ideas from your customers, and to instill a sense of recognition for the sales profession.

How to collect field data efficiently?
Efficient field feedback collection must be coupled with optimal use of the data collected, while keeping the collection process simple and rapid. By centralizing this data afterwards, you can build up a solid database that can be used to create action plans based on field experience.

What's the best tool for collecting information from the field?
The Salesapps application stimulates feedback from the field, centralizing and structuring different types of information while maintaining a virtuous circle of feedback thanks to its gamification system. Manager access to the back-office enables data feedback to be analyzed and continuous improvement to be maintained.

[post_title] => Comment stimuler et améliorer la qualité des remontées terrain des commerciaux ? [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => comment-stimuler-et-ameliorer-la-qualite-des-remontees-terrain-des-commerciaux [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-22 22:56:49 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-22 21:56:49 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 4 [filter] => raw )
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