What can you expect from your tablet application for sales reps ?

Choosing your tablet application for sales reps sometimes leaves IT, marketing or sales reps managers a little hesitant. There are many different ways to boost sales, and it's hard to choose one without first testing it out in the field. SalesApps explains how, with a few simple guidelines, you can better define your needs and choose the application that will quickly become your team's best ally. So, what should you expect and demand from your mobile and tablet application?
Your tablet application for sales reps needs to grab attention
The first role of your application is to facilitate a sales act. To excite your prospect, the application must provide answers quickly, in a well-designed interface and setting. We work here on the whole process of the sales experience on a tablet. The goal is to gain the customer's interest, and thus include him in a dynamic and engaging process.
SalesApps provides you with powerful and interactive sales presentations that are quick and easy to create. The graphic tree structure emphasizes the user experience. The dynamic visuals immerse your customer in a universe specifically built for him. A good bookmark management allows you to target what you want to present.
The direct access to information through tactile navigation gives the customer time to appropriate the tool. From being a spectator, he becomes an actor, and is unconsciously involved in the commercial process: we call this customer engagement.
The tablet transcends the sales act and excites the actors involved. The cross-selling features make people want to participate. It's the opening of a new universe, where instantaneous information sharing facilitates communication.
It must also reassure
Your tablet application for sales reps guarantees consistency and logic between image and media presented. The tool is totally adapted to your image, whether in the structure of the content or in the overall design. This even extends to the launch icon! All this while retaining an element of scalability, to keep pace with a product range that may diversify or grow, without the need to rethink the application.
Through training and knowledge control modules, the application supports your teams and helps them master their sales pitch. By making the link with the field, you improve the use of the application and promote a more controlled "lean" approach.
Staying in control of your sales process and your commercial approach is a key factor in the success of a sale. Your tablet application must therefore reassure you in the control of your offer, as well as reassure your interlocutor in the quality and consistency of the information he discovers.
Your business application must also be reliable
With the diversity of uses, your tablet must be able to adapt to you, not the other way around. You must be able to rely on it at all times. You can be sure that the media you use are up to date and always current. And you don't have to worry about network access or dependence on an internet connection that can fail without warning.
Whether you are online or offline, nothing will stop you from working. Searching for a document or information will be instantaneous, regardless of the keyword used. Your business application covers you in all circumstances. Including during downtime (conferences, transportation, between meetings), where training modules allow you to continue to progress and refine your professional practice.
And it must inform you and keep you informed
Choose your mobile app for sales reps based on the production flow, to simplify real-time information feedback. Whether information comes from the field, head office or marketing, your tablet becomes the epicenter of data convergence.
You are sure that the right people are involved in sharing information.
Good internal communication is a real strength in the field, especially when you are far from the decision-making centers. You are kept informed of business and company news, and don't miss a thing thanks to notifications.
An application for mobile device & touch tablet for your sales teams will change the way you work to make you more efficient. It should accelerate, simplify and optimize your processes, data exchanges and information.
SalesApps, the ideal tablet application for sales reps
Salesapps, a native tablet application developed for iPad (IOS), Android play tablets, ChromeBook or Windows 10 tablet (backwards compatible with Windows 8.1), allows your sales force to have the best tools. It's Mobile Sales Enablement!
Compatible withapple store and google play store.