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May 4, 2023

Sales support tools : For whom and why?

By Aurélien De Joffrey

In ,

Sales support tools : For whom and why?

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive sales landscape, having a powerful sales enablement tool is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for companies striving to excel. A state-of-the-art sales enablement tool not only streamlines sales processes and improves productivity, but also empowers sales teams to build stronger relationships and close deals more effectively. But who is this tool designed for and why is it so critical to their success? Whether you're a seasoned sales professional, a determined entrepreneur or a motivated team leader, a sales enablement tool is the secret weapon you need to boost your sales strategy and achieve outstanding results. In this article, we'll dive into the world of sales enablement tools, discovering their importance and exploring the benefits they bring to different stakeholders. So buckle up and get ready to discover how these cutting-edge solutions can revolutionize your approach to sales and propel your business to new heights.

The importance of sales enablement tools in today's business landscape

La vente B2B a beaucoup changé ces dernières années ! Elle est devenue plus compliquée, avec un processus d’achat plus long qui nécessite la participation de 7 personnes en moyenne (Gartner). Les acheteurs sont maintenant plus autonomes et mieux informés avant d’entrer en contact avec le commercial. En effet, ils réalisent 57% de leurs parcours d’achat avant d’initier le contact avec le fournisseur envisagé (Accenture). Les commerciaux font face à des acheteurs plus exigeants : désir d’avoir la bonne information au bon moment, forte attente sur la personnalisation de la relation client… La perte de temps sur les tâches non liées à la vente n’arrange pas la situation ! Value Selling Associates estime qu’un commercial passe près de 36% de son temps sur des tâches administratives. Du temps qu’il pourrait davantage consacrer à la vente. Ces chiffres ne représentent qu’une petite partie des défis auxquels sont confrontés les commerciaux. Il en existe une multitude ! Dans ce contexte, la fonction commerciale a besoin d’un soutien pour performer au quotidien. C’est là qu’entrent en jeu les outils d’aide à la vente ! Ils font partie prenante de la stack technologique du commercial et sont répartis sous 5 catégories : les outils de formation, outils de prospection, outils d’automatisation, outils du rendez-vous, et les outils de pilotage que nous prendrons soin de détailler dans la suite de l’article.

Who can benefit from the sales support tools?

Users of sales support tools
  1. Sales teams: Sales support tools are primarily designed to improve a company's sales performance. To this end, they help sales reps to better manage their prospects throughout the sales cycle, and to sell more and better in appointments. They support them by automating certain time-consuming tasks, and play an important role in increasing their skills.
  2. Dirigeants d’entreprise : Les dirigeants d’entreprise (Gérant de PME ou Cadre dirigeant de grande entreprise) peuvent utiliser des outils d’aide à la vente pour piloter leur activité et centraliser leurs contenus marketing & commerciaux. L’un des objectifs de ces outils est d’améliorer le partage d’informations en facilitant l’accès et l’utilisation de ces contenus lors des rendez-vous. Ils utilisent aussi ce type d’outil pour former leurs commerciaux, renforcer la synergie entre les équipes et améliorer la prise de décision grâce aux KPIs offerts par ce type d’applicatif.
  3. Freelancers and consultants: Freelancers and consultants can take advantage of sales support tools for their own needs (prospecting, customer management), but most of the time, it is within the framework of their consulting activity and thus as a prescriber of solutions that they will be led to master these tools and promote them to their customers.
  4. Les professionnels du marketing  : Les professionnels du marketing ont besoin des outils d’aide à la vente pour générer des leads qualifiés pour les équipes commerciales et disposer d’une meilleure compréhension du cycle de vente ou parcours suivis. Ces outils les aident ainsi à mieux comprendre l’environnement dans lequel évoluent les commerciaux en rendez-vous (contenus présentés, analyse conversationnelle, comportement d’achat…), à évaluer la montée en maturité des prospects et à s’appuyer sur des analyses détaillées pour adapter leur stratégie.

What are the benefits of implementing a sales support tool?

Advantages of sales support tools

Using a sales support tool has many advantages for a company:

  1. Better lead management: A sales support tool allows you to collect useful information about your prospects and to evaluate their maturity. Overall, it allows you to have a better understanding of their needs and to distinguish between hot and cold prospects (scoring system). Thanks to this tool, you have a chronology of actions taken (website & email campaigns) and can create lists of prospects to segment your approach.
  2. Performance accrue en rendez-vous : En ce qui concerne l’amélioration de la performance commerciale, l’outil d’aide à la vente s’avère être un excellent d’outil. Avec une préparation des rendez-vous accélérée et une application qui améliore l’approche commerciale, le commercial est en mesure de s’adapter au contexte et aux enjeux de chaque acheteur. Il est plus percutant dans son argumentation et les réponses qu’il apporte, il facilite la projection de son acheteur et accélère sa prise de décision. Grâce à l’image moderne qu’il dégage, sa meilleure maîtrise de l’offre et de l’argumentaire en rendez-vous, le commercial voit son taux de conversion augmenter.
  3. Create a customer experience: Whether in person or remotely, a sales support tool encourages customer interaction. The salesperson can personalize his or her approach, adapt to the customer's context and sector, present varied content and insist on the points that will contribute to his or her success and make him or her interested in your offer.
  4. Pilotage de l’activité améliorée : Un outil d’aide à la vente permet d’évaluer et de suivre la performance de votre activité au travers de KPIs. Pour faciliter la compréhension et améliorer la prise de décision, ces données sont accessibles au travers de rapports personnalisés. Vous pourrez avoir accès à des données telles que la prévision des ventes (suivis des rendez-vous, des ventes, prévisions trimestrielles, quotas atteints, croissance…), la valeur moyenne des transactions, la durée moyenne du cycle de vente (temps pour convertir leads en clients) …
  5. Better train and continuously test the sales force: According to McKinsey, 50% of the sales force does not have what it takes to succeed in the years ahead. This shows just how much work needs to be done on sales training. Adopting a sales support tool is an excellent way of accelerating skills upgrading, continuously testing knowledge, building loyalty sales reps within the company and raising the profile of your organization as a whole.
  6. Automation of administrative tasks: The use of a sales support tool saves time for sales teams. It contributes to the improvement of sales efficiency by reducing the time spent on administrative tasks: searching for marketing content, making presentations, sending emails, updating the CRM, identifying accounts and the right people within an organization, finding phone numbers, reminding customers, etc. The sales support tool frees the salesperson from time-consuming tasks and allows him or her to focus on tasks that add value to the company.
  7. Gestion de la base client : L’utilisation d’un outil d’aide à la vente comme le CRM s’inscrit dans une démarche de centralisation des données. Cette centralisation permet à l’entreprise de dresser une vue 360° des prospects/clients, en capturant leurs interactions avec l’entreprise et en faisant ressortir les données requises pour améliorer votre stratégie commerciale.

Main sales support tools available on the market

Categories of sales support tools

In 2023, modernizing sales techniques is a priority for all companies wishing to perform. To support you and enlighten you on the types of digital tools that can help your sales force, we have developed a complete toolbox.

  1. Prospecting tools: Prospecting tools allow you to automate prospecting tasks, facilitate the collection of contact information (email, phone number, etc.) and allow you to perform much more precise searches than traditional search engines when it comes to retrieving relevant information on prospects. Among these tools we can mention: Sales Navigator, Kasper, Lusha....
  2. Appointment tools : In this category, we will classify all the tools that allow to improve the course of the commercial appointment, thus its level of performance. These range from telephony solutions to simplify call management to personalized presentation and appointment setting tools. Among these sales support tools we can mention: Aircall, Calendly, Salesapps...
  3. Management tools: As far as sales management is concerned, a CRM is a formidable management tool as soon as it is filled in. It allows you to manage interactions with customers, store information about them and automate processes related to the customer journey through the sales funnel. The CRMs known to everyone: SalesForce, Hubspot, Zoho, Dynamics...
  4. Training tools: Training tools are programs or applications that help sales reps improve their skills and knowledge of the products/services they sell. These tools can take the form of online training courses, training videos, sales guides, educational content, quizzes and interactive games. Training tools are useful to help new entrants familiarize themselves with the company's products and improve the skills of more experienced staff. Online or offline E-Learning applications such as Salesapps.
  5. Automation tools: These tools allow you to automate the tasks that your sales and marketing team performs on a daily basis on applications (email, storage space, CRM...). We can mention for example Pardot, Zapier, Phantom Buster... These tools are essential to the daily life of the teams insofar as it facilitates their work by reducing the time-consuming tasks with low added value for the company.

How to choose the right sales support tool for your company?

FeaturesHow many features does the solution offer? Do they meet the needs of your sales reps customers?
Integration with other toolsDoes the tool integrate easily with other applications and software in the company? How is the data exchange between them done? Are dedicated connectors available?
Ease of useIs the tool easy to use for your sales reps customers? Is it quick to learn, or does it take longer to get the hang of?
The costIs it a tool that generates ROIs? If so, have you evaluated them and do they cover your investment? Distinguish between set-up costs and recurring costs. Is it a licensed sales model? Is maintenance included? What are the terms and conditions of sale? Can you try some of the tool's features (freemium)?
CustomizationIs the tool customizable to your branding? If you choose a sales enablement tool: can you create the tool based on your sales approach? How many users can be onboarded?
SecurityHow is user authentication managed? Are there access rights for specific content? Is the data confidential? What is the uptime commitment? Where are the servers hosted? How are backups managed?
MobilityIs the tool usable from multiple devices (PC, Tablet, Mobile)? What environment does it run on (Windows, Android, IOS, MacOS)? Does it have the ability to run offline or does it require network access 100% of the time?
Customer supportIs there a CSM dedicated to your company? Do you have online documentation? In the case of customer support: is the exchange by phone or only by messaging (ChatBot, Email...)? What are the time slots of availability? Is there a response time commitment?

Integrate a sales support tool into your existing sales process

Steps to integrate a sales enablement tool into your existing sales process

L’intégration d’un outil d’aide à la vente dans un processus de vente existant est une étape cruciale pour garantir l’efficacité de l’outil. Voici quelques conseils et étapes à suivre pour réaliser votre intégration :

  1. Evaluate your existing sales process: Before you start integrating a new tool, it's important to evaluate your current sales process. Identify the areas that could benefit from the use of a sales support tool, whether before, during or after the appointment. Do you have the tools you need to make prospecting easier for your sales reps ? How do they present their products or services during appointments? Can they track content shared with the buyer?
  2. Determine goals: Determine the goals you want to achieve with the implementation of this tool. Do you want to harmonize your sales force's speech? Increase your turnover and your cross-selling rate? Improve the control of your offers/services? Having clear objectives will help you choose the best sales support tool for your needs.
  3. Choosing the sales support tool: After determining the objectives comes the next step of selecting the tool. Choose the one that best meets your needs and is compatible with your existing sales process. You can use the selection criteria we have provided above or write a specification to launch your consultation.
  4. Define the KPIs: Next comes the step where you need to define the KPIs that you will track both the performance of your sales actions and the relevance of the deployed tool. These KPIs will allow you to measure your ROI more easily over time.
  5. Train your sales teams: To facilitate its use and especially its appropriation, the tool chosen must above all be ergonomic and intuitive. Make sure that your sales team is trained to use the sales support tool. Beyond understanding how it works, they must be able to quickly identify the value creation and benefits they will be able to get from its use. Otherwise, they will either not use it, or its use will always be experienced as a constraint.
  6. Integrate the tool into your sales process: This involves configuring custom fields, using APIs, and can sometimes require IT involvement in larger organizations.

Measure the success of your sales enablement tool implementation

Lorsqu’une entreprise décide de mettre en place un outil d’aide à la vente, il est essentiel de mesurer l’état d’avancement du projet et ses chances de réussite. Pour cela, il est vivement recommandé de mettre en place et de suivre des KPIs. Définir des KPIs permet de s’assurer que l’outil que vous avez choisi et son usage évoluent dans la bonne direction. Le suivi régulier des KPIs permet de mieux visualiser ces évolutions et, si nécessaire, de réviser la stratégie choisie. Dans la phase de déploiement d’une application d’aide à la vente, vous pouvez mesurer son succès grâce à deux KPIs : le taux d’adoption et le taux d’usage. D’autres KPIs permettent ensuite de mesurer la pertinence de l’outil déployé : contenus lus, partagés, parcours de vente suivi, temps de montée en compétence, taux de réussite aux quiz… Tous ces KPIs vous donnent des informations précieuses pour le développement de votre activité.

Conclusion: Sales tools to help your company grow

Les outils d’aide à la vente sont essentiels pour toutes les entreprises souhaitant améliorer leur performance commerciale. Une grande variété de ces solutions est disponible sur le marché, chacune offrant des fonctionnalités spécifiques pour répondre aux différents besoins des équipes commerciales. Que vous cherchiez à améliorer les compétences de la force de vente, automatiser des tâches administratives, piloter efficacement votre activité ou offrir une expérience client exceptionnelle en rendez-vous… Vous pouvez trouver une solution dans les outils que nous vous avons proposés dans l’article. Pour terminer, ces outils peuvent donc représenter un investissement très rentable pour les entreprises souhaitant développer leur performance commerciale dès lors où vos objectifs et les indicateurs pour les suivre dans le temps sont clairement définis.


  • What is a sales support tool? The sales support tool is the salesperson's armed arm, so to speak. It accompanies him before, during and after the meeting by improving his efficiency by allowing him to sell more and better.
  • Why do companies need a sales enablement tool? There are many reasons why a company should consider using a sales enablement tool: automating administrative tasks, managing leads, tracking business performance, accelerating skills development, reducing turnover sales reps...
  • How to choose the right sales enablement tool? The performance of a sales enablement tool depends on its ability to meet the needs of your company and your sales force. The evaluation of a sales enablement tool should be done through the following criteria: which functionalities for which challenges or needs, ease of use, cost, customization, integration with other tools, security, mobility and customer support.
  • How to implement a sales enablement tool? The implementation of a sales enablement tool must respect certain key steps to be deployed efficiently: associate sales & marketing, evaluate your existing sales process, determine the objectives you want to reach and the KPIs, choose and integrate the sales enablement tool, train the teams, evaluate the tool performance.
  • How to measure the effectiveness of a sales enablement tool? The relevance of a sales enablement tool can be measured by two KPIs: its adoption rate and usage rate. If these two KPIs are bad, you can be sure that the tool deployed is not relevant and that the ROIs will not be there. If they are good, nothing is won yet but you are on the right track. You will then have to focus on monitoring the other KPIs you have defined, measuring your ROIs while making sure that the adoption and usage rates remain good over time.
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In today's fast-paced and highly competitive sales landscape, having a powerful sales enablement tool is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for companies striving to excel. A state-of-the-art sales enablement tool not only streamlines sales processes and improves productivity, but also empowers sales teams to build stronger relationships and close deals more effectively. But who is this tool designed for, and why is it so essential to their success? Whether you're a seasoned sales professional, a determined entrepreneur or a motivated team leader, a sales enablement tool is the secret weapon you need to boost your sales strategy and achieve outstanding results. In this article, we're going to delve into the world of sales enablement tools, discovering their importance and exploring the benefits they bring to different stakeholders. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to discover how these cutting-edge solutions can revolutionize your approach to sales and propel your business to new heights.

The importance of sales enablement tools in today's business landscape

La vente B2B a beaucoup changé ces dernières années ! Elle est devenue plus compliquée, avec un processus d'achat plus long qui nécessite la participation de 7 personnes en moyenne (Gartner). Les acheteurs sont maintenant plus autonomes et mieux informés avant d’entrer en contact avec le commercial. En effet, ils réalisent 57% de leurs parcours d’achat avant d’initier le contact avec le fournisseur envisagé (Accenture). Les commerciaux font face à des acheteurs plus exigeants : désir d’avoir la bonne information au bon moment, forte attente sur la personnalisation de la relation client… La perte de temps sur les tâches non liées à la vente n’arrange pas la situation ! Value Selling Associates estime qu’un commercial passe près de 36% de son temps sur des tâches administratives. Du temps qu’il pourrait davantage consacrer à la vente. Ces chiffres ne représentent qu’une petite partie des défis auxquels sont confrontés les commerciaux. Il en existe une multitude ! Dans ce contexte, la fonction commerciale a besoin d’un soutien pour performer au quotidien. C’est là qu’entrent en jeu les outils d’aide à la vente ! Ils font partie prenante de la stack technologique du commercial et sont répartis sous 5 catégories : les outils de formation, outils de prospection, outils d’automatisation, outils du rendez-vous, et les outils de pilotage que nous prendrons soin de détailler dans la suite de l’article.

Who can benefit from the sales support tools?

Users of sales support tools
  1. Sales teams: Sales support tools are primarily designed to improve a company's sales performance. To this end, they help sales reps to better manage their prospects throughout the sales cycle, and to sell more and better in appointments. They support them by automating certain time-consuming tasks, and play an important role in increasing their skills.
  2. Dirigeants d’entreprise : Les dirigeants d’entreprise (Gérant de PME ou Cadre dirigeant de grande entreprise) peuvent utiliser des outils d’aide à la vente pour piloter leur activité et centraliser leurs contenus marketing & commerciaux. L'un des objectifs de ces outils est d'améliorer le partage d'informations en facilitant l'accès et l'utilisation de ces contenus lors des rendez-vous. Ils utilisent aussi ce type d’outil pour former leurs commerciaux, renforcer la synergie entre les équipes et améliorer la prise de décision grâce aux KPIs offerts par ce type d’applicatif.
  3. Freelancers and consultants: Freelancers and consultants can take advantage of sales support tools for their own needs (prospecting, customer management), but more often than not, it's in the context of their consulting activity, and therefore as prescribers of solutions, that they'll need to master these tools and promote them to their customers.
  4. Les professionnels du marketing  : Les professionnels du marketing ont besoin des outils d'aide à la vente pour générer des leads qualifiés pour les équipes commerciales et disposer d’une meilleure compréhension du cycle de vente ou parcours suivis. Ces outils les aident ainsi à mieux comprendre l’environnement dans lequel évoluent les commerciaux en rendez-vous (contenus présentés, analyse conversationnelle, comportement d’achat…), à évaluer la montée en maturité des prospects et à s’appuyer sur des analyses détaillées pour adapter leur stratégie.

What are the benefits of implementing a sales support tool?

Advantages of sales support tools

Using a sales support tool has many advantages for a company:

  1. Better lead management: A sales support tool allows you to collect useful information about your prospects and to evaluate their maturity. Overall, it allows you to have a better understanding of their needs and to distinguish between hot and cold prospects (scoring system). Thanks to this tool, you have a chronology of actions taken (website & email campaigns) and can create lists of prospects to segment your approach.
  2. Performance accrue en rendez-vous : En ce qui concerne l’amélioration de la performance commerciale, l’outil d’aide à la vente s’avère être un excellent d’outil. Avec une préparation des rendez-vous accélérée et une application qui améliore l’approche commerciale, le commercial est en mesure de s’adapter au contexte et aux enjeux de chaque acheteur. Il est plus percutant dans son argumentation et les réponses qu’il apporte, il facilite la projection de son acheteur et accélère sa prise de décision. Grâce à l’image moderne qu’il dégage, sa meilleure maîtrise de l’offre et de l’argumentaire en rendez-vous, le commercial voit son taux de conversion augmenter.
  3. Create a customer experience: Whether in person or remotely, a sales support tool encourages customer interaction. The salesperson can personalize his or her approach, adapt to the customer's context and sector, present varied content and insist on the points that will contribute to his or her success and make him or her interested in your offer.
  4. Pilotage de l’activité améliorée : Un outil d’aide à la vente permet d’évaluer et de suivre la performance de votre activité au travers de KPIs. Pour faciliter la compréhension et améliorer la prise de décision, ces données sont accessibles au travers de rapports personnalisés. Vous pourrez avoir accès à des données telles que la prévision des ventes (suivis des rendez-vous, des ventes, prévisions trimestrielles, quotas atteints, croissance...), la valeur moyenne des transactions, la durée moyenne du cycle de vente (temps pour convertir leads en clients) …
  5. Better train and continuously test the sales force: According to McKinsey, 50% of the sales force does not have what it takes to succeed in the years ahead. This shows just how much work needs to be done on sales training. Adopting a sales support tool is an excellent way of accelerating skills upgrading, continuously testing knowledge, building loyalty sales reps within the company and raising the profile of your organization as a whole.
  6. Automation of administrative tasks: Using a sales support tool saves time for sales teams. It contributes to improving sales efficiency by reducing the time spent on administrative tasks: searching for marketing content, making presentations, sending emails, updating CRM, identifying accounts and the right people within an organization, finding telephone numbers, sales reminders, etc. The sales support tool frees sales staff from time-consuming tasks, enabling them to concentrate on tasks with high added value for their company.
  7. Gestion de la base client : L’utilisation d’un outil d’aide à la vente comme le CRM s’inscrit dans une démarche de centralisation des données. Cette centralisation permet à l’entreprise de dresser une vue 360° des prospects/clients, en capturant leurs interactions avec l’entreprise et en faisant ressortir les données requises pour améliorer votre stratégie commerciale.

Main sales support tools available on the market

Categories of sales support tools

In 2023, modernizing sales techniques is a priority for all companies wishing to perform. We've put together a comprehensive toolbox to help you find the rightdigital tools for your sales force.

  1. Prospecting tools: Prospecting tools allow you to automate prospecting tasks, facilitate the collection of contact information (email, phone number, etc.) and allow you to perform much more precise searches than traditional search engines when it comes to retrieving relevant information on prospects. Among these tools we can mention: Sales Navigator, Kasper, Lusha....
  2. Appointment tools : In this category, we will classify all the tools that allow to improve the course of the commercial appointment, thus its level of performance. These range from telephony solutions to simplify call management to personalized presentation and appointment setting tools. Among these sales support tools we can mention: Aircall, Calendly, Salesapps...
  3. Management tools: As far as sales management is concerned, a CRM is a formidable management tool as soon as it is filled in. It allows you to manage interactions with customers, store information about them and automate processes related to the customer journey through the sales funnel. The CRMs known to everyone: SalesForce, Hubspot, Zoho, Dynamics...
  4. Training tools: Training tools are programs or applications that help sales reps improve their skills and knowledge of the products/services they sell. These tools can take the form of online training courses, training videos, sales guides, educational content, quizzes and interactive games. Training tools are useful to help new entrants familiarize themselves with the company's products and improve the skills of more experienced staff. Online or offline E-Learning applications such as Salesapps.
  5. Automation tools: These tools allow you to automate the tasks that your sales and marketing team performs on a daily basis on applications (email, storage space, CRM...). We can mention for example Pardot, Zapier, Phantom Buster... These tools are essential to the daily life of the teams insofar as it facilitates their work by reducing the time-consuming tasks with low added value for the company.

How to choose the right sales support tool for your company?

FeaturesHow many features does the solution offer? Do they meet the needs of your sales reps customers?
Integration with other toolsDoes the tool integrate easily with the company's other applications and software? How are data exchanged between them? Are dedicated connectors available?
Ease of useIs the tool easy to use for your sales reps customers? Is it quick to learn, or does it take longer to get the hang of?
The costIs it a tool that generates ROI? If so, have you evaluated them, and do they cover your investment? Distinguish between set-up costs and recurring costs. Is it a licensed sales model? Is maintenance included? What are the terms and conditions of sale? Can you try out some of the tool's features (freemium)?
CustomizationIs the tool customizable to your branding? If you choose a sales enablement tool: can you create the tool based on your sales approach? How many users can be onboarded?
SecurityHow is user authentication managed? Are there access rights for specific content? Is the data confidential? What is the uptime commitment? Where are the servers hosted? How are backups managed?
MobilityIs the tool usable from multiple devices (PC, Tablet, Mobile)? What environment does it run on (Windows, Android, IOS, MacOS)? Does it have the ability to run offline or does it require network access 100% of the time?
Customer supportIs there a CSM dedicated to your company? Do you have online documentation? In the case of customer support: is the exchange by phone or only by messaging (ChatBot, Email...)? What are the time slots of availability? Is there a response time commitment?

Integrate a sales support tool into your existing sales process

Steps to integrate a sales enablement tool into your existing sales process

L’intégration d’un outil d’aide à la vente dans un processus de vente existant est une étape cruciale pour garantir l’efficacité de l’outil. Voici quelques conseils et étapes à suivre pour réaliser votre intégration :

  1. Evaluate your existing sales process: Before you start integrating a new tool, it's important to evaluate your current sales process. Identify the areas that could benefit from the use of a sales support tool, whether before, during or after the appointment. Do you have the tools you need to make prospecting easier for your sales reps ? How do they present their products or services during appointments? Can they track content shared with the buyer?
  2. Determine goals: Determine the goals you want to achieve with the implementation of this tool. Do you want to harmonize your sales force's speech? Increase your turnover and your cross-selling rate? Improve the control of your offers/services? Having clear objectives will help you choose the best sales support tool for your needs.
  3. Choosing the sales support tool: After determining the objectives comes the next step of selecting the tool. Choose the one that best meets your needs and is compatible with your existing sales process. You can use the selection criteria we have provided above or write a specification to launch your consultation.
  4. Define the KPIs: Next comes the step where you need to define the KPIs that you will track both the performance of your sales actions and the relevance of the deployed tool. These KPIs will allow you to measure your ROI more easily over time.
  5. Train your sales teams: To facilitate its use and especially its appropriation, the tool chosen must above all be ergonomic and intuitive. Make sure that your sales team is trained to use the sales support tool. Beyond understanding how it works, they must be able to quickly identify the value creation and benefits they will be able to get from its use. Otherwise, they will either not use it, or its use will always be experienced as a constraint.
  6. Integrate the tool into your sales process: This involves configuring custom fields, using APIs, and can sometimes require IT involvement in larger organizations.

Measure the success of your sales enablement tool implementation

Lorsqu'une entreprise décide de mettre en place un outil d'aide à la vente, il est essentiel de mesurer l’état d'avancement du projet et ses chances de réussite. Pour cela, il est vivement recommandé de mettre en place et de suivre des KPIs. Définir des KPIs permet de s'assurer que l'outil que vous avez choisi et son usage évoluent dans la bonne direction. Le suivi régulier des KPIs permet de mieux visualiser ces évolutions et, si nécessaire, de réviser la stratégie choisie. Dans la phase de déploiement d’une application d’aide à la vente, vous pouvez mesurer son succès grâce à deux KPIs : le taux d’adoption et le taux d’usage. D’autres KPIs permettent ensuite de mesurer la pertinence de l’outil déployé : contenus lus, partagés, parcours de vente suivi, temps de montée en compétence, taux de réussite aux quiz… Tous ces KPIs vous donnent des informations précieuses pour le développement de votre activité.

Conclusion: Sales tools to help your company grow

Les outils d’aide à la vente sont essentiels pour toutes les entreprises souhaitant améliorer leur performance commerciale. Une grande variété de ces solutions est disponible sur le marché, chacune offrant des fonctionnalités spécifiques pour répondre aux différents besoins des équipes commerciales. Que vous cherchiez à améliorer les compétences de la force de vente, automatiser des tâches administratives, piloter efficacement votre activité ou offrir une expérience client exceptionnelle en rendez-vous… Vous pouvez trouver une solution dans les outils que nous vous avons proposés dans l’article. Pour terminer, ces outils peuvent donc représenter un investissement très rentable pour les entreprises souhaitant développer leur performance commerciale dès lors où vos objectifs et les indicateurs pour les suivre dans le temps sont clairement définis.


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