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Storytelling & IA
7 novembre 2024

Storytelling IA : préparer vos rendez-vous commerciaux !

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Le Storytelling IA fait vendre ! Une étude de la Stanford Graduate School of Business révèle que la narration peut augmenter les taux de conversion jusqu’à 30 %. Mais pour qu’un […]

23 septembre 2024

Comment réussir sa vente grâce au Storytelling B2B ?

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Dans un environnement de vente b2b hautement compétitif, se démarquer en rendez-vous est devenu un véritable défi pour les commerciaux. Comment marquer les esprits face à l’acheteur ? Comment capter son […]

30 mai 2024

Comment intégrer la RSE dans le Pitch Commercial ?

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L’intégration de la RSE dans le pitch commercial devient un impératif stratégique pour les marques, à mesure que les acheteurs sont de plus en plus sensibilisés à ces enjeux. Les […]

16 avril 2024

Marketing opérationnel : comment animer une équipe commerciale ?

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Animer une équipe commerciale efficacement, c’est la mettre en réussite à l’aide d’une organisation dynamique et agile produisant les meilleurs résultats commerciaux possibles. Chaque activité commerciale ayant son équipe, son […]

8 avril 2024

Marketing : comment booster le discours commercial en rendez-vous ?

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Boostez le discours commercial en alignant vos équipes sales & marketing ! En 2023, Gartner publie une étude sur l’évolution des processus d’achat en B2B, précisant l’inexorable réduction du temps alloué […]

How to make a convincing sales presentation
November 27, 2023

How to make a convincing sales presentation?

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What is a sales presentation? As the name suggests, a sales presentation is a presentation made by a salesperson with the aim of selling his or her product or service. It encompasses the sales pitch, [...]

CSR & sales reps : the new challenge for managers sales reps !
September 28, 2023

CSR & sales reps : the new challenge for managers sales reps !

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Le Sales Enablement pour répondre aux enjeux RSE des directions commerciales ! Pourquoi les entreprises mettent-elles en place une politique RSE ? Les entreprises ont progressivement évolué dans leur adoption de […]

April 11, 2023

How to turn your marketing content into content to sell?

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In France, only 43% of companies consider their Marketing and Sales departments to be aligned (CMIT 2022 study). This figure is slightly higher than in 2021. The relationship [...]

Sales Enablement: what's in it for marketing?
October 18, 2022

Sales Enablement: What's in it for marketing?

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When we talk about Sales Enablement, we tend to highlight mainly the benefits related to the sales force. What about the marketing side? How does it [...]

Aligning Sales & Marketing
October 4, 2022

Why align sales & marketing in 2023?

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Réussir son alignement vente & marketing est une étape clé pour ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leurs performances commerciales. Si les bonnes intentions sont là, la réalité du terrain est bien souvent […]

April 21, 2020

How can Marketing help sales reps perform better?

By Frédéric Poulet

In , ,

Yes, Marketing can help sales reps perform better! And all the more so with the tools we'll be presenting below! Aligning Sales and Marketing [...]

April 15, 2020

Content Staging: how to design a successful business presentation application?

By Georges da Silva

In , , , ,

When the question of digitizing your sales reps media arises, the next question is what content you have or would like to publish. This is a subject we [...]

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 10239
    [post_author] => 9
    [post_date] => 2020-04-15 18:58:09
    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-04-15 16:58:09
    [post_content] => When the question of digitizing the media for your sales reps arises, is second only to the content you have or would like to publish.. We discuss this subject with almost all our customers.

Your content wasn't designed specifically for digital media. Even if the idea of "redoing everything, right away" has crossed your mind, it's not an option. At least not right now, or not to the extent you'd like.

In the same way that knocking down all the walls of a house may seem an attractive way to give it a facelift, home staging allows you to give the interior of your home a makeover and get the most out of it at the lowest possible cost, right away.

Today we're talking about Content staging, i.e. tips and best practices for getting the most out of your content, and choosing which new content to invest in with an informed eye.

In the era of digitalization of content, the pressure of "beauty" is

Don't let the pressure of beauty paralyze you in your digitalization process. New content often boils down to "prettier" content.

Of course, graphics are important, especially when content is displayed on the latest generation of devices, but they are far from the only criterion for the impact of your content.

In order to give more substance to the tips we're about to present, I suggest that you detail the potential impact your new content will have on your marketing and sales organizationThis will help you focus on what's most important to you.


The 7 impacts of your content

1 Preparation time

A sales rep can spend 30 hours a month researching and preparing content. That's a lot of work. Your content should help your sales reps optimize their preparation time. Sales staff must have access to powerful, simple and flexible media that are easy to use, even live..

2 Your brand image

Content tailored to your audience's needs will have a significant impact on brand appreciation: +84%. Content must be serve the company, both strategically and in terms of communication; image is very important, as it represents your brand's identity. The message conveyed is just as important, since it's what you're going to "anchor" in the minds of your interlocutors. With this in mind, it's essential that a company's Marketing & Sales departments work hand in hand to produce this content.

3 Content usage

It's the "sinews of war". The format of your content has a direct impact on how it's used. The more your content combines powerful visuals and a relevant message, adapted and adaptable to any situation, the more it will be used. This impact will be all the greater if you take into account your sales teams' feedback.

4 The turnover

It seems obvious that sales are impacted when it comes to content sales reps. Visually appealing, relevant, punchy content enables your teams to sell better and sell more. The relevance and impact of content also depend on up-sell/cross-sell mechanisms. In other words, the ability to create a link, a common thread between your various contents in order to extend the sales spectrum. 7 impacts continued On the marketing side, the design of your content will have a direct impact on your statistics, your data in terms of volume or capacity to generate data.

5 Statistics by offer

Statistics by offer, range, products, connection between them, so much information that your content can confirm or deny.

6 Statistics by user

Statistics by user or group of users. The specialization of your content should also allow you to work by logical groups.

7 Share statistics

Finally, the performance of a piece of content can only be apprehended through its use or reading. Some content is more likely to be shared than others. Specializing your content from this angle is also highly relevant. Before embarking on any changes to your content, we recommend that you determine the potential of existing facilities.  Evaluate each (type of) content in terms of its current and desired impact. Determine the potential of the existing

2/ Content Staging: 5 tips to implement right away & VERY easily!

1 Cut out your content

1 cut your content To support your (sometimes monstrous) presentations of 50 pages or more, opt for a set of presentations as small as necessary. More modular and therefore easier to identify, they make it easier to identify the right content in preparation.. During the appointment, the sales approach is significantly better perceived, tailored to the customer's needs, and therefore improves the perceived image of the appointment. The traceability of sub-parts also gives the sales rep relevant information on the customer's real interest. Of course, there's nothing to prevent you from keeping the 50-page format or more for more standard sharing, but cut-up versions will provide you with a large and enriching volume of data. By cross-referencing this information with your sales, you'll identify exactly what works and what doesn't, best practices, mastered concepts and others... Finally, smaller presentations also enable more precise up-sell and cross-sell links, maximizing your sales. Several customers Salesapps are already successfully implementing this division: Aryzta, Santarome, DGF, etc.

2 Enrich your content

2 enrich your content Avoid leaving your content isolated and "floating". Enrich your content by connecting it with other content to : This extension of your content facilitates preparation work for sales reps. The live customer experience is also greatly enhanced, with sales reps presenting offers and content more effectively. The content base is generally better utilized, and the perceived image benefits once again: "it's more PRO". Rentokil Initial, Robot CoupeUniversal Picture Vidéo, etc. are already using this technique for their content.

3 Proof by the image

3 proof by image Focus on visual presentations; interactive (clickable) presentations, in other words, content that speaks through images, that comes alive and enhances the experience and the customer journey. Since you've made links between your less graphic content (previous tip), more visual presentations have their place in sales material.. If there's one post on which to invest "a little" it's this one. Once again, the image will certainly have an impact on your content, but it's clearly not the only one.

Don't have enough visual presentations for your taste yet?

No problem, use your application's graphic capabilities to give visual impact to its tree structure, and reuse your presentations as they are. Since you followed tip #1 ( ????) your presentations are already cut out and you navigate through the application instead of going page by page through a linear presentation. Vianney Leveugle, Geodis Distribution & Express Marketing Director, talks about his experience in video here on this subject. Sébastien Verquin, Zolux Sales Director, shares its experience in the following webinar: Digitizing your sales teams: 10 key points for a successful project!

4 Customization

4 proof by image Here we are not talking about doing new things necessarily but about creating editable templates, slides, pages, sections, regularly edited or adjusted. Simplifying these tasks saves time at sales reps and gives you greater control over the format of what is sent to your customers. This ability to personalize will be all the better perceived if you have implemented the 3 previous tips. Mutuelle Générale has broken down all the stages of its customer diagnosis into sub-sections. To complete the redesign, they also took the opportunity to make these steps interactive, thanks to the HTML format of the media. Editable PDFs also complement the HTML formats to enable multi-editing before, during and after the appointment.

5 Specific features

5 specific functions The last tip we suggest is to use the functionalities offered by your sales application and to Sales Enablement. These features can help you give your media a real facelift with minimal effort. In the case of SalesappsWith over 150 features to boost your content: interactive PDFs, HTML media, digital sales plans, media with links to pages on your website, training materials, editable PDFs, quizzes... The impact can affect all segments, depending on what you implement, which is why it's important to get the right advice when implementing your tool. JCDecaux Airports, for example, uses the dynamic filter system to filter and easily access their large volume of photos of successful campaigns (their customer references). They also use 360° views to present poster sites in the best possible conditions. Beyond the "bling-bling" aspect of your presentations, their ease of use and the depth of exploration beyond the basic message will make your content strong.

3/ Content Staging: rethink your B2B data strategy

If you're also interested in this subject, I invite you to reread the specific article on the subject here: Boost your B2B data & boost your sales rethink your data strategy That's right, your data strategy will rely heavily on your content. It's an important component of your presentation design that needs to be taken into account. If we go back to the B2B Data quadrant mentioned in the article quoted above, a significant proportion of data capture areas are concerned with content format. The ✅ in the quadrant below: Impact of content on your data


Your content base is full of resources. Take advantage of the digital prism to reveal its true value before considering any redesign! When it comes to redesigning your site, don't just focus on form and product aspects. Take the time you need to create content that's designed for its intended use and the information you want to get from it. Digitizing your sales media is an opportunity to do much more than just give them a surface facelift, and to have a more massive impact on your marketing and sales organization. Rely on tools that match your ambitions. digital prism This article is taken from the webinar presented by Gabrielle Sourzac CSM & Georges da Silva COO - Salesapps. You can review at any time here : [Content Staging] - how to design a successful sales presentation application? [post_title] => Content Staging: how to design a successful sales presentation application? [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => content-staging-conceive-a-application-commercial-presentation-performing [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2022-10-25 11:17:16 [post_modified_gmt] => 2022-10-25 09:17:16 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 1 [filter] => raw )
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