Category: Salesapps News
Green Business : DCF s’engage vers une performance responsable
L’association des Dirigeants Commerciaux de France (DCF) a tenu son congrès biennal les 23 et 24 mai derniers. Près de 600 personnes se sont réunies à Saint-Malo pour cette 22ème […]
JCDECAUX wins 2 Gold awards at the BtoB Leaders Awards
At the BtoB Leaders Awards 2023, several prizes were awarded to the best Sales & Marketing initiatives. These prizes are awarded by a jury of expert executives, who bring their [...]
SAFRAN wins Bronze Award for Best Customer Experience at the BtoB Leaders Awards 2023
In Salesapps news, Sales Enablement
The 9th edition of RIM has come to a close, and the winners of the BtoB Leaders Awards have been revealed! A wonderful evening highlighting the best initiatives of the year.
Salesapps ENGAGE
Des formats inédits pour booster vos échanges toute l’année ! Networkez et rencontrez vos pairs autour de 3 formats : Live, Évènement et Meetup de l’Excellence Commerciale. Pour rejoindre la […]
Action Co 2022 Awards: Adéquat X Salesapps, elected best Sales Enablement application
In Salesapps news, Sales Enablement
Retour sur la cérémonie mémorable des Trophées ActionCO 2022 Le Palmarès des Lauréats a été dévoilé hier soir ! Cette soirée met en lumière les meilleures initiatives commerciales de cette […]
Marketing Day 2022: A look back at the key event of the year!
In Salesapps news, Sales Enablement
The Marketing Day was back for a 9th edition with the theme "desire, a driving force for marketing". A day rich in testimonies where more than 40 speakers gathered to [...]
RIM 2022: a look back at this unmissable event!
For the 8th edition of the International Marketing & Sales Meetings, the BtoB community gathered for three days in an exceptional and exotic setting in Marrakech to highlight the new challenges facing the [...]
5 criteria for choosing a Sales Enablement application
In Salesapps News, Tips, Sales Enablement
What are the decisive criteria to take into account when equipping your sales force with a high-performance Sales Enablement application? Discover 5 criteria on which you should [...]
Couple your CRM with a Sales Enablement solution
In Salesapps News, Sales Optimization, Sales Enablement
The value of a CRM depends mainly on the quality of the data that feeds it. Discover in this article what are its limits and how a Sales Enablement solution [...]
5 reasons to train your sales reps with Sales Enablement
By training your sales force with a Sales Enablement solution, offers will be better mastered by sales reps, better understood by customers and sales will increase. Find out more [...]
How to make a successful remote sales presentation?
In Salesapps News, Tips, Uncategorized
Whether it is a purely ecological, economic, international deployment, optimization of your travel time or more basically linked to a strong impossibility to move [...]
How to make an effective digital sales book?
In News Salesapps, Marketing, Technical
A real sales aid for your sales reps, the sales book is the salesperson's bible. Formerly made up of paper sheets contained in a binder, the sales [...]