5 reasons to train your sales reps with Sales Enablement
By training your sales force with a Sales Enablement solution, offers will be better mastered by sales reps, better understood by customers and sales will increase. Find out more [...]
How can Marketing help sales reps perform better?
In Marketing, Hardware, Sales Enablement
Yes, Marketing can help sales reps perform better! And all the more so with the tools we'll be presenting below! Aligning Sales and Marketing [...]
Content Staging: how to design a successful business presentation application?
In Tips, Marketing, Mobile Sales Enablement, Uncategorized, Technical
When the question of digitizing your sales reps media arises, the next question is what content you have or would like to publish. This is a subject we [...]
How to make a successful remote sales presentation?
In Salesapps News, Tips, Uncategorized
Whether it is a purely ecological, economic, international deployment, optimization of your travel time or more basically linked to a strong impossibility to move [...]
Which sales reps tools should you choose for your sales force?
In Unclassified
Choosing the best sales reps tools for your sales force has become a real challenge for marketing, sales, IT and even general management. The idea is not to [...]
Sales Enablement: Which solutions to choose and why? Zolux Case Study
In Training, Hardware, Mobile Sales Enablement, Sales Optimization
What is Sales Enablement? Sales Enablement is a strategic, cross-functional approach designed to increase an organization's sales and productivity results by providing content that is relevant and relevant to the business.
How to increase the competence of your sales force?
In Unclassified
Increasing the competence of the sales force is obviously a major concern for any self-respecting sales manager, whatever the field of activity. Whether it is in [...]
What if you coached your sales team like top athletes?
In Unclassified
All companies want their sales reps to work well and achieve good results. But how do you tell the difference between good results and exceptional results? The answer: a [...]
The questions a product manager should always ask his or her sales reps
Between the urgent and unfounded requests, and those that are fundamental, yet set aside, the work of marketing is under constant pressure. The product manager [...]
How to use big data to sell
The rise of Big Data has had a huge impact on marketing activities, especially in the online retail environment. However, underestimating its impact [...]
How to create a 5-star sales experience for your customers
Simple selling is a thing of the past. Make way for the sales experience. The one that integrates the customer into a specific universe where the salesperson is at the same time a salesman, a [...]
What if your business strategy isn't as clear as you thought?
For you, everything is clear: the numbers, the objectives and the strategy. But are you sure that everyone else is? For a business strategy to be effective, it must be [...]